- I will get my sewing machine fixed. It has been broken since before Evan was born and I would like to get it working so I can finish the quilt I am working on.
- I will get new glasses. I have needed new ones for years now but every time I got ready to go to get new ones I got pregnant which means I had to wait.
- I will go to see the dentist regularly. I have been putting it off since Evan has so many doctor's appointments it is hard to have to go for myself too.
- I will organize my downstairs. This is our living area and it can get quite chaotic. I want to have more control over the toy mess. I want to tame the under our stairs mess, we pretty much cram stuff under there just to put it somewhere. As I just finished typing that my husband actually started cleaning up under our stairs completely on his own.
- I will get rid of all the junk that is sitting in our garage. We have already decided that we do not need it anymore we just need to take the next step which is to give it to charity.
- I want to enrich my spiritual life. I have been slacking when it comes to reading the Scriptures. Since I am now in the nursery I am not getting any sort of lessons taught to me on Sunday so I really need to do some studying on my own.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
New Year goals
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Pediatric Grand Rounds
Pediatric Grand Rounds is up over at Breath Spa for Kids. Shinga has put up another wonderful edition. Something worth checking out is Dr. Flea's series of posts on the diseases kids are currently vaccinated for. It sure makes you glad for modern medicine.
I am such a nerd
I have discovered the fun of podcasts. They are free and there are so many interesting subjects that I can hardly contain myself. I just spent a good hour browsing and subscribing to some so I can listen to them while I am taking the kids out for stroller rides.
I love Forum (a call in radio show on my local NPR station). I used to get to listen to it a lot in the car but now it seems like I am never in the car when the show is on and I can never remember to listen to it at home. Now I get to listen to people discuss an amazing range of topics. I think it will be neat to have a chance to listen to more of the NPR shows that I like but can't always catch all the time.
One surprising podcast that I found is presented by a cat veterinarian. I actually volunteered at this guy's clinic eons ago back when I was young and starry eyed. I wanted to be a vet when I grew up so I was eager to get all the experience I could. This guy was amazing with cats. He could spay a female cat incredibly fast, it was truly amazing to watch. He was also a very funny and interesting person to talk to. He had me laughing through most of the time I spent with him. I am very excited to listen to him.
You should go check them out. Even if you do not have an iPod you can still listen to podcasts on your computer.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006

Evan had an appointment with his cardiologist today. It was a simple follow up to make sure that everything was fine with his pacemaker. Since my parents are in town and my husband had the day off work I thought it would be fun for us to play tourist and see some of the sights.
I had originally thought that we could do to the zoo. We had an awful rain storm yesterday and it was super windy today so we switched it to something more indoors. Since the boys love fish we decided that going to the aquarium would be lots of fun. Harry got so into the spirit of things that he added the word fish to his vocabulary. Evan was so excited that he thought nothing of walking the whole time (which is something that would not have happened before his surgery). We finished up the trip with a lunch of fish and chips forgoing the traditional clam chowder for something we knew both boys would love.

My new toy
What cool things did you get from Santa?
P.S. My sisters all chipped in and got me a medical book with pediatric diseases and treatments. I also have my own pediatric dosing handbook so I am now set to ditch all the doctors and treat my kids all on my own. Kidding!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!
My pushy sister E (the same one that pulled me out of a tree) called us just as I was getting dinner on the table wondering why I had not posted pictures of the boys opening presents. I am only giving in to her since she can still mess with my present as it is coming with my parents on the plane tomorrow. After tomorrow I am so going to ignore her demands.

Saturday, December 23, 2006
Strange things
Another difference is that Harry at the end of a meal has two dirty hands instead of one. I guess that would be the one advantage to having a child with one working hand. I have actually taken advantage of this fact on occasion. When we want to hold Evan down for some procedure or another we never have to worry about the other arm. This is especially nice for blood draws. If they use his good arm to draw from all I have to worry about is keeping the rest of his body still.
Seeing Harry as he is growing into his own little person is fun. It is so much different than with Evan. I think we are heading for some big shocks since I have already seen Harry try to run, something that Evan has yet to master. He also looks like he might be a climber. I have seen him ponder things that are climbable with a gleam in his eyes. I just hope that he is not too hard on his poor parents we are still rookies in so many ways.
Friday, December 22, 2006
A busy rainy day
We have been waiting for several weeks for approval for more physical therapy for Evan. The PT had faxed all the paperwork several time and heard nothing. Today she called the insurance company to see what was going on. Apparently the paperwork had been just sitting there ignored. *steams shoots out of my ears in frustration* I try not to complain too much about our insurance company since a lot is covered. The have been pretty good for the most about getting things approved on time and what not. It seems that they have really dropped the ball when it comes to physical therapy because we have had nothing but trouble and delays every time we need a new approval for more therapy.
I also found out that the other cardiologist is leaving the practice. He was a nice guy and I hate to see him go. I am sure the new doctor will be nice and all but she will not have been there since Evan was a baby. When he was first in the hospital both cardiologists took care of him equally. It was not

Evan and I had a lot of fun walking in the rain to deliver a few of the pies. He loves to play in the puddles. One of the people in the complex put one of those giant inflatable snowmen out on the front lawn so we had to go see that too. It is kind of sad that Evan has yet to see a real snowman with real snow. Last time we were in Utah during the winter snow was very lacking.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Pictures and the first word

It is official Harry has said his first word and that word is "bubble". I am pretty strict when it comes to the official first word. I require an outsider to independently confirm what I already suspect. At Thanksgiving my Mother-in-law swore that she heard Harry saying "ball" but to my husband and I it sounded more like "ba" and was not in context. I have also been hearing "wow" but not always in context. This morning, at the party, my friend told me that she heard Harry (who was off in the kitchen pulling out all the Tupperware in my friend's cabinet) say bubble while he was holding the bottle of bubbles that had been handed out as a party favor. Bubbles are also a fixture at our house. I call them the toddler tamers since I can blow some and all the crying will magically stop. It makes sense that something that he enjoys so much is his first word.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
And the most annoying phone call of the month goes to....

I think that I would not be as annoyed with the calling if they would actually deliver the dang Synagis on time. The first time it was a day or so late but last time it was a whole week late. That was a whole week that Evan was vulnerable to the virus. I had also managed to get everything set up so that Evan's shots and Harry's well baby check ups were all at the same time. I had to make an extra trip to the office just for the shot. This company had the nerve to send me a survey asking me to rate how they were doing before we had even received any kind of service from them.
The most annoying monthly phone calls ever award goes to Evan's insurance case manager. Every month for almost a year I got a call from "Angelina" who did not speak the best English, making each call especially frustrating and annoying. She quizzed me every month about how Evan was progressing. Each and every time she had to ask me the same questions many of which she could have answered juts by reading his medical file. I know that she had permission to read it since I signed the papers myself.
After what seemed an eternity she told me that the monthly calls would stop. I took this to mean that she was just not going to call me but what was really happening was that Evan was being taken off of case management. That was fine until Evan's cardiologist's office called her to get something taken care of and she had stopped working there. I was ticked to say the least. Once my husband called to complain the case management people were falling over themselves to make sure that we were satisfied and everything got taken care of extra fast.
One more week
Since I have become a mother my mind always turns to Mary during the Christmas season. There are a lot of pressures on any parent, but it must have been pretty scary at times knowing that you were going to be the mother of Christ. I wonder how she managed to do it.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
I am such a sucker for big brown eyes
The item I regret buying the most was a silly computer game which was a mere three dollars. Now every time I even approach the computer he thinks I am going to play train with him. He was already addicted to the Thomas website. The funny thing is that he is not even interested in playing the games himself. He is content to let Mommy play them while he happily sits and watches. I wish he would do that with a computer game that I am actually interested in playing. He is also not very into reading blogs with me which makes doing anything on the computer while he is awake a difficult task. I tried looking up a recipe for dinner tonight and he ended up having a huge temper tantrum since it was not train related.
I really should have saved all this for Evan's birthday but again I am such a sucker for seeing his excitement that I let him play with the books and computer game right away. This is part of the reason that we do not gift heavily during holidays in the first place. I love getting the kids little things through out the year and soaking up the excitement all year long. At their tender ages it really does not take much to get them laughing which is very nice. I think that I will have to rethink things as they get older since I can't have them thinking that every time they want something I will just go out and buy it. I do not intend to raise spoiled little brats. Those eyes just get me every single time so it will be interesting to see how strong my resolve will be.
Friday, December 15, 2006
How rude!!! (updated with more pictures at the bottom)
Part of the presents were the ultra cute Christmas pictures that I had done awhile back. I did not post them on here since I did not want to ruin the surprise. Now the point is very moot so enjoy blogsphere!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Laundress has tagged me with Ms. Cathy's Christmas meme. Here ya go, more than you ever wanted to know about my Christmas preferences.
1. Hot Chocolate or Egg Nog? Hot Chocolate all the way baby!!! First off it is chocolate, second the taste of egg nog makes me gag. I buy a gallon of egg nog every year for my husband but I never touch the stuff.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Well Santa has yet to visit us. I am still deciding if I am going to even teach the kiddos about Santa. I think that if I delay long enough the problem will go away.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Colored on the tree, white on the house.
4. Do you hang mistletoe? I try to but have not found any fresh stuff for this year.
5. When do you put your decorations up? The day after Thanksgiving if we are at home
6. What is your favorite holiday dish? I don't really have one yet.
7. Favorite Holiday memory? I love it any time we can go to Temple Square and see all the holiday lights. picture below
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I was eight and my father made this big deal about telling me. Quite honestly it was not a huge shock to me. I think that deep inside I already knew.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Of course! My mother was always too impatient to wait until christmas. She is so impatient that she has already confessed to opening the present I sent her (See, I totally outed you to the whole world Mom! Next year I am sending the presents by overnighting them so you can't open them so soon)
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? My husband and I have all our ornaments from when we were kids and we buy the boys one every year. It is a crazy mish mash but it is fun looking at the ornaments and remembering.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love it but that is because I have never lived all that long in a snowy area. When I lived in Washington I remember praying for the temperatures to drop below freezing so we could get some snow.
12. Can you ice skate? Of course! I am not super good at it but I can go forward in a circle without holding onto the side.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? My favorite gift was the Pound Puppy that my great grandfather got us when we were little. I still have mine and she slept in my bed until the day I got married.
14. What's the most important thing? Making memories with family and remembering the birth of Christ.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? French silk pie
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? The Christmas Eve junk food dinner. This is a tradition that my husband's family does. Once a year they all just pig out on all the stuff you are not supposed to eat. For them it replaced a more traditional Christmas dinner but I insist on something nice and fancy on Christmas day.
17. What tops your tree? an angel
18. Which do you prefer giving or Receiving? Giving! I love watching my family open the presents that I pick out for them. I try very hard to find really good gifts for them.
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? My favorite Christmas hymn is "O, little Town of Bethlehem" When we sing it I get an amazing peaceful feeling.
20. Candy canes, Yuck or Yum? Yum!!! Well yum if they are fresh, yuck if they were the ones my husband saved from last year to decorate the Christmas tree.
I am tagging Vicky, You da mom!, and Gina.

Home again, home again lickety split
We got home in time for lunch and nap time. Evan is pretty gorked out on his Tylenol with codeine so he slept really well. The meds even allowed the pacemaker rep to interrogate it without having to endure a screaming fit. The rep told me that he had been having a bad morning and was dreading having to deal with Evan's hysteria. He was very happy that Evan was being a mellow drugged out little guy.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
There was talk of us going home tonight but it was decided that he should stay overnight just to be safe. The pediatric floor then fought with everyone else and wanted to insist that he stay in the PICU for recovery. Everyone else thought it was silly and over kill since all Evan had endured was a cut into his skin. He had not even been intubated or anything major like that. Eventually Evan's doctors won out and we are safely on the pediatric floor which is a much quieter and nicer place to sleep.
Evan is having his usual throwing up after anesthesia issues but seems to have kept his pain medication down. I am hopeful that he will be able to have a meal in the morning once he had had a good night's sleep. Every thing is looking quite good for me to be blogging from home by tomorrow afternoon.
Monday, December 11, 2006
There are other less obvious laughter inducing things that get bigger laughs than mere tickling. A dinner time favorite is to have me take my glasses off and make funny faces at the boys. I think it is the combination of me being silly and changing the look of my face by taking off my glasses. The hand monster is also a huge hit, especially with Harry. The hand monster will sneak out from under blankets to prey on unsuspecting feet. It will also walk along dinner tables and try and gobble hands.
A game I call fake sneeze is the bath time favorite although Evan is taking it out into public. Fake sneeze involves one of the boys placing a bath toy onto the side of the bath tub. Mommy then fake sneezes and knocks it back into the bath tub. I have to keep control of this game since Harry has been known to laugh so hard he falls over and risks drowning. The other day I saw Evan throw a toy into the air and then fake sneeze. That was his toddler version of the game. He is also just randomly sneezes and laughs.
The number one thing that is guaranteed to get the kids laughing so hard they can barely stand is called "Daddy throws the yarn ball up the stairs and Mommy throws it back d

Saturday, December 09, 2006
Too much sugar
The next mistake was that we had thought it was a dinner so we had not eaten anything before hand. Evan and Harry got their dream dinner of sweet breads and cookies. I did get some fruit down them first so it was not all a bust.
A surprise of the evening was that Evan got freaked out by Santa. He eagerly ran up to him but once my friend put him on Santa's lap he flipped out. Harry was pretty lukewarm about the fat man and did not stick on his lap for long either. It was pretty fun otherwise. The kids had fun getting all sugared up and we had fun talking with friends.


I absolutely loath the last of the new Star Wars movies (I didn't even see it in the theaters even though I am a sci fi fan). Padme looks so slightly pregnant at the end of her supposed pregnancy that is sickens me. I was twice her size and I only had one baby in me. The girl has the nerve to die of grief over the fact that her husband Anikan Skywalker has turned to the dark side? She just ups and dies even though she has two babies to care for? I hardly think so. It would have been more believable to have her hit by a bus than that. I will not even go into all the ultra cheesy dialogue that plagued the entire prequel series.
This post was brought to you by my husband and his love of cheesy movies.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Long day and lots of news
The appointment turned out to be quite the ordeal. I was rather nervous to be going to a strange and distant place on my own so my husband got the day off work. The internet directions said the trip should be an hour and a half but the people we talked to said it was closer to two and a half hours due to traffic. I decided that we should just leave three hours early so that we had get lost time. We timed it perfectly and were there only slightly early.
Evan was scheduled for an echo which I was kind of nervous about since he hates them for some reason. It is not the least bit painful, just an ultrasound for the heart. I brought a lot of things to help keep him still. He ended up eating way too many Jr mints but those and a Thomas DVD helped keep him mostly still. The consultation with the doctor went pretty quickly but it was not a quick in and out thing. She stuck around while a nurse practitioner played with Evan's pacemaker settings a bit and helped me entertain him (this is another non painful thing that Evan hates).
The end result was that Evan was not sick enough to warrant the special pacemaker (good news). She had thought that we would be having the pacemaker replaced at her hospital much to my dismay. Luckily when we finally stumbled back into the house at 5:45 (after leaving at 9am) we had a message from Evan's cardiologist's office saying that his surgery was set for this Tuesday.
My head is still spinning and I am exhausted after such a long day. The kids were such troopers and held up well with the crazy schedule or lack there of. I hope that Evan is tired enough not to wake up at 5:30 am for the second day in a row. I am going to be busy this weekend getting everything ready. I also want to bake a bunch of goodies for the nurses at the hospital so I am going to have to get busy.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
How to search the web
When you are searching for something keep your search simple. Pick out a few key terms and go from there. Less is more in this case. Often i will use only one or two words to find the information that I need. If I get overwhelmed with irrelevant results I will slowly become more and more specific. Example: is normal birth kids are less smarter than cesarean birth kids? This is far too wordy, not to mention that it is grammatically incorrect. Pick out a few words such as "intelligence cesarean" and you will come up with websites like this which has a research study on this very subject.
Next you will want to evaluate the website that you get your information from. Is this website an official website. The article I linked to is in a database of peer reviewed medical studies. It should hold a lot more weight than a personal website like a blog where there is no need for the writer to actually be correct. I can write that the moon is made of cheese but that does not mean anything. I would believe a person that has been to the moon and says that it is made of rock over me who has never even been to the moon.
Scan the blurb where it shows your search terms coming up. If you can't tell if the website has anything to do with what you are searching for then the information is unlikely to be there. Also watch out for sponsored results. The can often have nothing if anything to do with what you are actually looking for.
You also need to see how old the information is. If the article is from 1906 rather than 2006 then you know that things will be out of date. Things change and sometimes even change back so you need to be careful about what you are reading and take it into consideration.
Finally my biggest tip is this: do not go beyond the first two pages of search results. You are wasting your time. The further you go the less relevant the page is to your search. That means quit clicking on my web page hoping to see a picture of Brittany Spear's hooha because it ain't here! I just wrote about a silly dream I had about her.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Sleep is needed part 2
Right now I am feeling a bit lost. I am a person that craves alone time. I have to spend a portion of my day alone or I go bonkers. My husband went to bed not too long after the kids did so I ended up with a very unexpected evening on my own. Had I know that this would be happening I would have planned something fun. I have wasted all the time I can on the internet, I can't read my book this close to bed time and there is nothing on TV. I keep having the feeling that it is later than it really is. Maybe I should turn in early too. My inner night owl shudders at the thought especially since my husband has an unexpected day off so I will get the chance to sleep in. What is a gal to do?
Monday, December 04, 2006
Sleep is needed
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Pediatric Grand Rounds
Saturday, December 02, 2006

The pie I made is incredible. I think that if you died it would be served in heaven. It is just sooooooooooo good. Last time I made it I ate most of it. I was nice and let my husband have a few pieces and I even let Harry and Evan split one which they promptly gobbled up. I highly recommend you baking one or two up for the holidays. Your family will love you for it.
P.S. Don't feel too bad about my husband. I mentioned to him that my hand hurt because I had burned it on the oven while baking the pie. He wondered why I would burn myself (like I did on purpose or something) and asked when I had done the burning of said hand. He admitted that he had not hear my swearing when I asked and then told me to put it under water. No kidding, really? I should put my hand under cold water to help with the burn? Who knew? He also apparently, along with not hearing the swearing in the kitchen, he missed me leaving the water running for a really long time.