Thursday, December 31, 2009
Out with the old year
Hindsight lets me see that the surgery went fine and the baby came out nice and healthy. We got a reprieve on the move and Evan and Harry are doing well in school. I have adjusted well to having three kids to parent and haul around. We have been blessed with a steady job in a time when many people do not have work. We also welcomed a nephew into the family a few days ago. I am excited to not be the only one of my sisters that has kids.
Looking ahead I see the long wait to find out where we will be moving to. We will have to get the house ready for renters and find a place for us to live when we get where ever it is that we end up. Hopefully there will be more visits with family in the coming year. I also hope that Evan and Harry will continue to have the strong growth that they have had in school and that Daniel will continue to keep on track with his development.
To all my readers I send a happy new year and a hope that 2010 is a good year for you.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas photos for the grandparents
This is Harry showing off two gifts. One is the doctor's coat that I got each of the boys. Evan asked specifically for one and I told him that grandma would get him one only I forgot to tell grandma so mommy had to step up. They were both very excited to play doctor and I received a number of shots over the course of the morning.
The second is a gift that my mother in law made sure to tell me was the idea of my father in law. It is an air gun that shoots mini marshmallows. The boys do not know this important fact and run around puffing air at each other.
Here is a dose of cuteness. Daniel is soo funny and huggable. He had a great time watching everything that went on and playing with the wrapping paper.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas!
I hope that you all have a great holiday and are able to spend it with the people you love.
(I would post pictures of the boys and Santa right here but my scanner is borked and won't scan them.)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Winter pictures
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I hate snow and I really hate ice
First off I had to dig the stupid car out of the snow which took forever and the whole time I was freezing my butt off. Then I had to get the kids all bundled up and ready for the cold. I think my first warning sign that this was a bad idea should have been one of the back doors being frozen shut. With the automatic doors there is no forcing them open or anything so Evan and Harry had to climb under the baby's rear facing car seat to even get in. I had to crawl over the front seat to get back to buckle the kids in.
I made it through the first stop light ok with a little bit of sliding but the second stop light I slid so much that I bumped into the car in front of me. Luckily all that was damaged was the front license plate holder and that was merely bent, but it freaked me out and we went right back home despite the weeping and wailing of the older kids. We ended up staying at home (I even missed my knitting group) all day and watching a ton of movies.
I hate snow and I hate driving in the snow and ice and I hate the city for not using my tax money to take better care of the streets. Yesterday there was no sand or anything on the road where I had the fender bender and it is a main road that is heavily traveled. Today there was finally something but this is a road that should have been plowed and it wasn't. I can't wait for this weekend when it is supposed to be a balmy 40 degrees so that the flipping ice will melt off the roads.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
You can lead a horse to water...
Lately Harry has been pestering me about what we will be having for dinner, not that he eats it, but he sure seems really excited about it up until it is on his plate. I have been telling him that we are having Baby Daniel for dinner. It started as just a smart ass answer to a question I had been answering a lot and then because of his reaction (disbelief) I have kept it up. Occasionally Daniel will nap during dinner prep time and so I will ask Harry if he sees the baby when he tells me that we could not possibly be eating the baby. That of course confuses him for a second until he thinks about it and comes up with the thought that the baby could be in his room napping.
This silliness backfired this evening. We are working on using up the leftover turkey and I have been substituting it in our normal dishes for chicken where ever possible. Tonight I did that yet again so when Harry worked his way through the whole we are not really eating Baby Daniel but are eating something else bit I told him that we were having turkey. He would not believe me! He insisted we were having chicken and nothing I could say would convince him otherwise. What made the whole conversation even funnier was his pronunciation of chicken and turkey. He says them "kiken" and "kurkey", it was soo hard not to giggle and laugh.
He is also convinced that in our only family picture that the baby in it is Daniel and not Harry (yeah yeah I know I need a more current picture). If I ask him where he is then he will pull out a newer picture of himself and put it on top of the family picture. He has figured out a way to edit himself into the picture with out a computer, what a creative kid!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Harry's Birthday pictures
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Manic Monday
Evan's kindergarten class made a Thanksgiving dinner to have at for lunch and of course parents were needed to help out and make sure that the kids were not picking their noses and then touching the food. It was fun and there were plenty of parents to help supervise. Evan's class seems particularly blessed with a lot of willing and helpful parents. I think we are the envy of the other kindergarten classes because we seem to always have more parents helping with things than the other classes. As usual Evan was very excited to have me in school with him.
Later in the afternoon Daniel had his checkup. He is a healthy little guy and hitting all his milestones and growth curves. He was not thrilled with all the shots he got but quickly shook it off to flirt with the nurses.
During all my rushing around the weather was awful. We had our first snow of the season which had the kids all excited but mom not so much. I now realize why my parents were less than thrilled when it snowed. Yeah it looks pretty, but it is not fun having to drive in the stuff. I think my doctor has jinxed me or something becuase every time we go and see him the weather is terrible. Thankfully the snow did not stick around and we are just stuck with cold rain. Brrr!
Friday, November 13, 2009
A few days later I cleared off a pile of junk that was on a side table and noticed a bag with a brand new coloring book in it. Yeah, I had grabbed an old Sesame Street coloring book on accident and wrapped that instead of the new un colored Sesame Street coloring book. I can't even make it right and give the poor little girl the new coloring book because she had moved and I don't have the new address.
It is upon you, my dear readers to help me not feel so bad. Please tell me that I am not the only frazzled mother that has done something like that.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Evan's dragon costume is a loaner (thanks again Beth!). We had a bit of drama with it. Evan wore it to school on the Wednesday before Halloween for the school party and parade. When he came home the pants were missing. A frantic call to Evan's teacher turned up nothing. I was rather bummed that the pants were missing since the costume was not ours to keep. Then on Monday morning as I was getting the kids in coats to leave for school I saw tucked in Evan's sleeve a pair of green pants (pale green pants with nobody inside them). They had been there the whole time!!! The weather had been rather warm (or rainy so we were staying indoors) so his coat had not been in use which is how I missed seeing them sooner.
The Celebrations
Friday, October 23, 2009
It is like herding cats
First stop, making pizza at Cici's pizza.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
and that's the tooth
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
More about Evan
I was a bit aprehensive about taking him out of the class even more than is going on now but it will be during math time which is apparently one of his biggest strengths (unlike his math impaired mother). He blows his peers away in things like number recognition and counting. I guess I should not be shocked about that since he has obsessed over numbers since he was rather young. I do however need to work on teaching him his address and phone number which is something I never really thought about teaching him although I can see why it would be useful. He also needs to learn our last name and associate it with himself and that I am not just Mommy but I have an actual name. He knows my husband's name since I use it fairly often but my husband only seems to call me Honey so Evan rarely hears my actual name. I guess I should count myself lucky that he is not telling his teacher that his mother's name is Honey.
The adaptive PE teacher has a great goal for Evan which is to work on getting Evan to become more independent. Evan is the master at getting people to help him. There are girls in his class that seem to fall over themselves to help him. Any passing stranger falls under his spell and finds themselves assisting him. It was a crazy battle (and sometimes still is) to get him to dress and undress himself. He has the skills but sometimes just decides that he can't do something (naturally at the worst times).
Daniel charmed everyone at the meeting and flirted a lot. He got passed around a fair bit too and only looked for mommy when it was getting close to his feeding time.
I have been knitting and one of the things I have been knitting is so uber cute that it deserves a post of it's own. The problem is getting pictures since the kids will not let them out of their sight. Once I manage that you will be graced with some non baby (and some baby) cuteness.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Another huge advantage of the class change is that all the various class party sign ups are full, so I only get asked to help out with the fun stuff. I just signed up to go with them on their first field trip later this month. I am hoping my husband can get the day off work so that I don't have to find someone to watch Daniel and get Harry from preschool.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
School pictures and other stuff
Needless to say I am tired of all the bouncing around. The best news is that a review of Evan's IEP has been scheduled and that it will be rewritten to explicitly state that he needs a one on one para. After that the district will not have any wiggle room to try and screw Evan over with technicalities. Hopefully by the end of next week he will have the helps he needs and he will be able to progress to the full extent possible.
Check out my cute boys! They did great smiling for the camera.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Cautiously optimistic
All week Evan has been going to another Kindergarten class that has a part time para so that he would get some help and several afternoons another para has been able to come in the afternoon and also help out. This morning the teacher told me that the district had had an amazing change of heart and that they were going to actually do what they were legally required to do in the first place which is get Evan a para. I am hoping that they do not drag the hiring of said para out really long in a further attempt to save just a little bit more money.
I find it rather telling that they only do it after I let the principle know (so he could tell them during a meeting) that I had contacted an advocacy group. They never really had a leg to stand on in the first place, so it is puzzling why they tried to mess around in the first place. I know the budget is tight but come on already, there is a clear need and he is legally entitled to have an education provided for him that caters to his special needs. I am hopeful that soon Evan will get back to his regular class room and have a full time para dedicated to his needs and who will learn his quirks.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Big Sigh
While Evan's teacher and school has been amazingly awesome I am very angry at the school district. When Evan's IEP was written it was stated numerous times that he would need a lot of one on one attention and therefore needed a para to help keep him on track. The school district had plenty of time to go out and hire him a para so that things would be in place for his entrance into school. They failed to do so and so far he has been having substitute teachers come in and help him out. At the beginning of the year the talk was well we just have to find the right person for him and that any time now we will get someone permanent. Today that changed to sorry we are no longer providing him with a para starting Monday.
I am furious! First off they waited until the end of the week to tell us (I am sure on purpose) so that we are scrambling to get him help for the start of the week. Next they are ignoring the opinion of the evaluators that wrote the IEP, Evan's teacher, the principal of the school and me who all think he needs someone to help keep him on track. As soon as I got home after hearing the news I called an advocacy group to get some extra oomph to my momma bear growl. The school district is not gonna know what hit them, because Evan will get what he needs and I am not going to stop bugging them until he does. They will not try and save money at the expense of my son's education.
The second set of issues that hit me today was both boys got in trouble at school for hitting. Evan tried to head butt his teacher, something he tries with Harry when they are fighting. I had a talk with him, one that I hope will sink into his brain. I also plan on harping on it every chance I get over the weekend for both boys. Harry's was more out of frustrtion and tiredness. He has been skipping his nap lately and it is catching up with him and when something went wrong at school he just lost it. I try and keep the boys from being too physical when fighting but I can't be everywhere at once so it seeps in. I am hoping that these are isolated events and a stern talking to will be enough.
I need some chocolate.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Three cheers for the barf bowl!
Sunday evening I yoinked his tooth out, it was hanging by a thread and annoying me. The Tooth Fairy was a total slacker and did not come, but upon inspection of her gum stash it was revealed that she was missing the necessary supplies any way. Sometime that night Evan threw up in his bed and did not even wake us up, he just went back to sleep (odd kid). He seemed pretty ok if a bit too willing to curl up on the couch with his trusty barf bowl. Lunch time rolled around and we thought he was ok to eat a regular meal but he wasn't. The really surreal thing about lunch was that as Evan was loosing it Harry was eating his lunch and watching everything with great interest. That kid is utterly fascinated with the whole process.
The Tooth Fairy armed with fresh supplies tried to make her delivery Monday night only to smell vomit in the room. Investigation revealed that Evan had made use of the barf bowl and then went back to sleep despite us telling him to get us if he threw up again. The flashlight woke Evan and Harry up and the Tooth Fairy ended up having to quickly hide the delivery under a handy blanket. I never realized what a screw up the Tooth Fairy was since she was so reliable when I was a kid. Maybe they outsourced her job in order to save on labor costs.
The kids have been driving me nuts all day so I think they are all well enough to go to school tomorrow (fingers crossed).
Monday, August 31, 2009
Product Review
My kids have a ton of toys, but the little kid inside of me can't pass up free toys, especially baby toys. Ebeanstalk sent Daniel a toy called a Skwish made by Manhattan Toy who specializes in developmental toys for kids. I had to wait awhile to write this as Daniel was not quite at the grab on and holding things stage when I received it. Daniel loves it, it has nice round knobs on the ends for him to gnaw on plus it has a tons of spots for him to grab on to. The toy makes a nice musical noise which helps keep Daniel interested in playing with it. The Skwish is deceptively simple looking at first glance but there are a lot of fun things packed into it for a discerning baby (even five year olds and three year olds seem drawn to it).
Now for what you all were waiting for:
Into the mouth.
Daniel is having a tough time deciding if he wants to suck his thumb or the toy.
So serious!
Bonus pictures:
Daniel has mastered both rolling from front to back and the tougher back to front. His favorite time to do it is when I am in the middle of changing his diaper.
Even more bonus pictures (I do have two other kids around here somewhere):