I also went walking today after slacking completely during the holidays. Harry is still doing his two nap thing so I was able to just take Evan along in our single stroller (my husband is still on holiday hours at work and only has to work one day this week so he stayed home and played computer games while Harry slept. Of course Harry woke up the instant I got back from the walk. My husband lives a charmed life sometimes). It was amazing how much faster I could walk when not pushing 50+ pounds of children in a boat of a double stroller. The double stroller is nice but it is a monster to turn. It was also neat being able to listen to my wonderful shiny iPod while walking. I felt like showing all the people I passed my new toy.
I hope that this great day is a sign of things to come.
Evan playing tonight while I was making dinner. This is a super nifty toy that my parents bought for Evan. Thomas will follow the tracks that you put on the mat and can actually search for the track if he looses it which happens often since Evan loves to sit on the mat instead of by the mat. Sometimes Thomas has to take "naps" because the music drives mommy nuts.

Sounds like an amazing day!
Congrats on the closet cleaning and the walk!
That mat looks so cool!
I bet it feels good to have the area under your stairs all cleaned out. What a good feeling!
I remember pushing our double stroller~whew!~just that is a work out in itself, even without the walk, lol!
Evan looked cute in your pictures playing with Thomas. We got Dominic an Aquadoodle mat this Christmas, but his is not a Thomas one, but a farm one that plays music ... they're great~no mess :)!
Keep up the good work at accomplishing your goals!
I know what you mean about taking a walk without 50 pounds of child to haul. I took a walk for the first time (alone) in 7 years and I could not believe how fast I was walking. Sad.
Sounds like a productive day!!!
Happy New Year.
Can I second your assessment of steering double strollers? The heavier the kids got, the harder it was to push and turn. My son has now outgrown it, and although I sometimes wish both kids were still able to sit in a stroller, it's also kind of nice to push the single one again!
Hey, you might try finding a blanket chest to use for your coffee table.
We are blanket people, too. I found a mission style chest for less than $100, and it is great.
Paige has an Aquadoodle mat also, she had just a plain one that we got quite awhile ago.... they have come out with some really cool ones since then :(
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