Old things have become new again. My sister E bought a couple of pop up tent type things for Evan as a gift for his second birthday. He had fun going in and out of them but eventually they were put under the stairs to make room for other larger toys. While I was trying to do a bit of organizing under the stairs I pulled them back out and they became an instant hit. Harry got a bit rough with them knocking them over so I had to clothespin a blanket to them to help keep them in place. The blanket makes them seem more cave like so it only adds to the fun. Evan also likes to bounce his sippy cup on the top of them.

hehe great pictures! Laundry and tents that sounds like our apartment most days!
I can't get over how much Harry looks like your picture in your profile!!
Nice pictures, even the laundry is only a pile, not a stinking MOUNTAIN of still-dirty laundry. I don't know what you are moaning about..... (Slinks off to do a bit more washing....)
Thank you!!! So glad to see I'm not the only one who seems to always have tons of laundry to fold and put away :)!
Well, you have a wee little heap of laundry there, but the kiddo on top looks pretty good at making more...
Knew you were an organized woman. I envy you and your little lump of laundry (and most especially, that sparkly-eyed boy!)
I think I need to see Vicky's stinking mountain o' laundry, that sounds more like what I have going on (and on and on).
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