The book I am currently reading from my new stack is called Artemis Fowl. This book is wonderfully written and very enjoyable. I had avoided the whole young adult reading scene in my youth preferring the more weighty works that were in my father's book collection. I am now finding out that I missed out on some great reads but thankfully I have friends that are able to point me in the right direction. I am now of the opinion that well written works that are supposedly directed to children are still very much worth reading now that I am an adult.
I so so adore receiving loaned books. People always amaze me with either really good books ... hehe but sometimes not so good! Either way it is always an adventure!
I've found that there are some younger audience books that I can enjoy. I look at it as research--one day my children will want to read these books.
For instance, I read Eragon.
Well, Harry Potter is supposed to be a "youth" book, but adults love them just as well. To me, a good book is a GOOD book, no matter what the target audience.
Hiya Awesome,
I have read the first Artemis Fowl book and I LOVED it. Glad to hear you like it too. Such wonderfully done characters!
I just finished stargirl by j.spinelli. it was grand!
Well I'm glad you're finally on the right path, children's books are FABULOUS! I love the Artemis Fowl series, but I haven't been able to get into the last book that was released - but, Harry Potter, Garth Nix's books (Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen) Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials series, The Inheritance series (Eragon, Eldest) by Christopher Paolini, books by Anthony Horowitz... all are great children's books that so many people pass over because they're meant for children!
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