I thought it would be fun to share pictures of the delicious yarn that I recently purchased. It was unfortunately *cough* $11 a skien but since it is for my mother who went through such immense pain to give birth to me I guess the price was worth it. The fact that the yarn is different thicknesses presented a bit of a challenge because it had a tenancy to roll. I am having to work it in the garter stitch to help keep my work flat.

I am planning on making stripes of three different colors pink, creamy white and navy blue. I am going to vary the thickness of the stripes and the order just to keep it fun. Here is a picture of what I have so far. I had to start over a couple of times since I cast on too many stitches the first time and the second time was to fix the rolling issues. I think that this one will come together much quicker than my first scarf since the variations are in the yarn it's self and not in how I am knitting it. I am also using bigger knitting needles this time which also speeds things up.
Chelle gave me the link of a really great knitting website. For those forlorn readers that have been meaning to learn how to knit this is a great place to start. They have videos and pictures of all the basics in knitting and once you master those there are how to videos for more advanced things.
Thanks for the link! I just might try it!
Knitting is so cool. For a long time I thought the .97 cent skein at the craft store is all that existed. I have learned since, from my ultra skilled little knitting sister, that yarn is not always cheap.
I love what you are doing. I wish I had the time or even knew how for that matter!
You know you want to try it Gina, all the cool kids are doing it.
I'm glad you added the part about the pains of child birth I underwnt to give birth to you . Nice touch! You are going to be as good of a guilt tripper as me someday (maybe)
Ooo Another great resource for yarn is Knitpicks.com the yarn is nice and inexpensive!!! Shipping is reasonable too. I am so so so jonsing for the Knit Picks Options set!!!!
I used to buy mostly acrylic or cotton so that I could make stuff for the kids and wash it easily, but nary a stitch has touched my needles in about three years now, maybe longer. Sigh....
Here's what you should do: hook yourself up with flickr. Post pictures of your projects. Allow me to look at your projects so I can learn from your knitting ways.
That's all.
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