Mmm ornaments are tasty.

It looks best riiight there! Perfecto!

This is the end result of letting a two year old decorate your tree.

We redistributed the ornaments for more coverage, however you will note a big empty spot thanks to Harry. Our ornaments are wandering around the room at odd times and I have to go around collecting them to put them back on the tree.

My hand painted nativity scene. My mom made a wooden one in Homemaking one year and we kids adored it so much that when I was engaged my dad copied it and made me one (he cut the wood, I painted it). It took me two years to get all the details painted to my satisfaction. I even made my own colors of paint, I am that picky. This is just part of it, there is a lot more including shepherds and the like. I may post more pictures of it later.

Part of the awful and horrid Christmas village. Most of it was given to us by my parents, my mom had grown quite weary of it and I was desperate for any decoration since I was newly married. I have grown to loathe it as much as my mother. My husband will not part with it and insists on adding to it. I just wanted a simple garland and some candles on my entertainment center instead I am stuck with that monstrosity. Maybe in out next move it will "break".
Love it, love it, love it!
I pulled our Christmas boxes out of the garage today, but didn't get any further than finding the one unfinished christmas stocking to match the rest (ah, the beauty of thinking ahead when I made the new stockings two years ago -- and they all thought I was crazy! LOLOL)
Anyhow... it looks like you all had a great time! My husband's birthday is on the 29th, and we usually do the tree for his birthday, or right after, so I'm sure we'll be close behind in the decorating department!
I love the picture of all the ornaments on one branch!
Ha! Priceless.
Wow. i still haven't braved the trip to the attic to assess the status of our decorations. But I guess I have to do it before M's Grammy arrives on Friday. At least so I can display the stuff she got us.
We have escaped the village so far though...
aww everything looks so wonderful! Yes our toddler put all our ornaments on one branch too!
Adore the naivety scene! My Grandmother has one that I will adore having someday!
I love the nativity set!
Hey! I tagged you!
that is so cute... all the ornaments in one spot! Great pictures.
You are a talented painter.. something I can only dream about.
Wow, you're so decoratey. We have an "awful" Christmas village too and I think it's the same case at our house - I'd love to get rid of it but I think hubby and the kids would go berserk.
I had an unpainted nativity set like that once - did yours come kind of as a puzzle? I gave it to Hottie Christine because she's the tole painter, and I'm the craft-messer-upper.
The village doesn't look THAT bad to me, but I can understand getting tired of it. You could freecycle it when husband's not looking. I'm sure some young family somewhere wants some kind of decoration as desperately as you once did...
I have no idea if it came as a puzzle or not. It didn't seem very puzzely when my mom brought it home. She is a craft messer uper too but this one thing she actually managed to make look good, so there is hope for everyone.
I love your painted nativity set.
And your tree shots-looks like the decorating job my kids do. And they get mad if I try to re-distribute. :) I'll have to take a picture this year, what fun memories.
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