Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Fun Links

Here is another edition of fun links where I share some of the truly bizzare websites that I have visited.

  • Here is a great stocking stuffer for the naughty people in your life. It is also a great thing to put in your guest bathroom.
  • Here is a great way to have fun with your kid's toys.
  • Want to read a book but don't think you have the time? Here is a way to get your classic literature sent to you in your email in daily installments. Currently I am reading Pride and Prejudice for the five millionth time.
  • Have you ever been caught in a sticky situation and knowing how to win at rock, paper scissors would save your life? Here is a way to be prepared in case your life depends on you winning.
  • The worst album covers ever.
  • Are you lost when you hear other people talking about my all time favorite tv show Lost? This will help you.


Anne/kq said...

That rock, paper, scissors link is cool! But it disturbs me that there are real tournaments...

Dr. A said...

Thanks for the fun links. That's good stuff!

Anonymous said...

Those are fun links! Thanks for sharing!

Gabriela said...

Thanks for the fun list! I know nothing about Lost and am thinking about getting into it.

And the literature site looks really interesting! Wonder how long War and Peace would take.

Damselfly said...

You are so good at finding stuff online! I think I bookmarked everything!

Like your new red & green look.