Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I had wanted to avoid blogging about Evan and potty training for fear of jinxing it, but since his interest was oh so brief I guess it can't hurt anything now. When we were at my in law's house in August Evan started telling us that he was poopy and asking us to change his diaper. I was thrilled that he was finally starting to be bothered by sitting in his own excrement. Previously he could have had a messy diaper all day long and not cared one bit.

Once we got home he took it a step further and actually asked to sit on the potty like mommy. I had been letting him come in to the bathroom with me for some time now mostly because Harry freaked if I tried to shut the door but also to show the kids that it is normal to go on the potty. The things we do for our kids. I went out and bought him one of those inserts so that he did not have to worry about falling in.

At first he was super excited and would ask to sit on the potty. I was not very good about doing it super often but he was pretty excited about it when ever he got to sit on the potty. He even got to wipe and flush the toilet by himself. We got him to go pee on the potty a whopping one time before he started crying every time he went into the bathroom. He would ask to sit on the potty but once he got inside he would sob.

Of course this development happened as soon as I bought some really great training pants. One pair is made from Thomas fabric. Even this is not enough to get him into the bathroom to sit on the potty. Each time I ask him he emphatically tells me that he does not want to sit on the potty. So here I sit with my hopes of having a child potty trained dashed into pieces. I will have to stick with my original goal of having him potty trained by the time he leaves home for college. He is on his own after that.


Steph said...

Sorry to hear that it's not going so well. It took *forever* for my first to be trained (she was somewhere between 3 1/2 and 4 when she was completely trained...closer to 4). The second was a lot easier, as she wanted to be like her big sister. We, luckily, were in a situation where it wasn't a big deal, as they didn't need to be trained for their preschool. I hope that things turn around for you soon.

Gina said...

Well, maybe soon he will want to do it again. Let's hope.

Gabriela said...

Potty traning's pretty much the worst. Hope things go your way soon!

chichimama said...

Hang in there, I found potty training to be one step forwards, two steps back for a while. But eventually it just clicked. He'll figure it out eventually...

Anonymous said...

I just hope he doesn't start "cleaning" himself up after an accidents like your sister did and then leave the "toilet paper" laying around!

Karen said...

He'll get it. And it'll be WELL before he goes off to college! Give it time. Don't push it. When he's ready, he'll be ready. If he's not ready, no matter how hard you push him, he'll win!

you da mom! said...

ug, just the thought of potty training makes me tired. my mom already gave me one of those little cushy seats and i said, "what the hell is this?" i really didn't get it! it seems so far off, but i guess it's really not...

Anonymous said...

I hated potty training.

Both of my kids were about 4 when they were day-trained. I think my daughter night-trained around the same time, but my son (5 1/2) still sleeps so soundly at night he still has accidents.

Give it time, don't pull out your hair. It will happen.

Oh yeah, and now I'm potty training a puppy LOL. It never ends....

Jenifer said...

Paige turned 3 in August and we are *sort of* potty trained. By that I mean we have good days and bad days, we have completely dry days and days we go through 8 pairs of pants. I have found that my old egg timer works great. She has to sit on the potty every 2 hours even if she says she doesn't havr to go, but she has gotten better at telling me when it is time. Mostly, at home we are good, but she doesn;t like public bathrooms so like the day we went to the fair she never told me and everytime I made her try her pull up was wet. I figure it's a process and it won't happen overnight. Forcing them into something that has them sobbing and crying will just make things worse. With Paige she likes to make decisions so when she doesn't want to go i give her a chioce picking something she really doesn't want to do as the second choice, like, "Do you want to go potty or take a nap?" Usually the potty wins!!

Anonymous said...

He will come around. I find it is all in the presentation. If I ask Becca if she needs to go potty she says no. If I tell her to go empty her bladder she goes and GOES ... Keep at it, it will come.

Nanette said...

I like that last bit! It gives me hope that I might be able to potty train Nick by the time he heads off to college as well! :D

Magpie said...

It'll happen. It always does.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Potty training is very unfun.

When my kids were hating it, I just backed off, and tried it again a couple of weeks to a month later.

My toddler is good with the pee pee now but has absolutely, positively no interest in doing the poo poo in the potty. Sigh.

Except it is kind of funny now... He hates it in the underpants, walks like a sumo wrestler when it happens.