Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cautiously optimistic

I am hopeful that my educational frustrations in behalf of Evan are over for the moment.

All week Evan has been going to another Kindergarten class that has a part time para so that he would get some help and several afternoons another para has been able to come in the afternoon and also help out. This morning the teacher told me that the district had had an amazing change of heart and that they were going to actually do what they were legally required to do in the first place which is get Evan a para. I am hoping that they do not drag the hiring of said para out really long in a further attempt to save just a little bit more money.

I find it rather telling that they only do it after I let the principle know (so he could tell them during a meeting) that I had contacted an advocacy group. They never really had a leg to stand on in the first place, so it is puzzling why they tried to mess around in the first place. I know the budget is tight but come on already, there is a clear need and he is legally entitled to have an education provided for him that caters to his special needs. I am hopeful that soon Evan will get back to his regular class room and have a full time para dedicated to his needs and who will learn his quirks.


Elizabeth-W said...

Good luck! Budgets are tight everywhere. Sorry you're having to deal with this stress at the beginning of the school year. :(

Anonymous said...

that is because we all like goverment services but no one like to pay taxes that dont directly benefitthem. (people with no kids not likeing to pay property taxes that go mostsly to education for example)

Anonymous said...

Sounds promising so far. It's true that the district is receiving money for Evan being enrolled there.
Many parents of children in the public schools don't know their rights. You're getting educated fast!

maw said...

why are you publishing comments from people who obviously can't type?

Awesome Mom said...

Your mom can't type

Anonymous said...

Good Luck! I am glad they are coming around - too bad you had to "make" them!

chelle said...

Keep fighting the good fight!

Unknown said...

Optimism is optimism, even if it is slow. So far so good!

Midlife Midwife said...

Way to growl momma bear. Glad things are looking up.