I have been dragging my feet on completing the traffic school necessitated by my speeding ticket. I gave myself the ability to wait until after the holidays, but now they are long gone and cold hard reality sets in. I get to do it online which is very handy and I don't have to worry about scheduling conflicts. I can do it at odd hours when sane people should be asleep or at the very least knitting while watching tv.
I had a very good traffic safety teacher in high school, he really scared us straight. He was old school and showed the really gory films to us on a regular basis. They were so old that he used a film projector instead of a VCR (which is a precursor to the DVD player, if you can't remember back that far) and showed real traffic accidents. The videos on the website are just plain lame and quite hokey, there is no blood or anything. Some of them even refer to people using car phones while driving. Who uses a car phone any more? The cell phone is where it is at yo.
I can't cheat and just take the test at the end. The sneaky program has questions in the middle to make sure that you are paying attention. So far I have learned that road rage is bad, speeding is bad (duh!) and that there are a multitude of forces acting on you when you drive including gravity, kinetic energy, momentum, centripetal forces and another one that I can't remember (it was just that important). I will be glad when this is all over and I can stop learning. It is making my brain hurt and I am forgetting things I used to know, the new information is pushing old stuff out of my brain.
Good luck! And how great that you can do it on line at least!
You said, "I had a very good traffic safety teacher in high school, he really scared us straight."
Apparently not straight enough or you wouldn't have gotten the speeding ticket. Heh!
Hang in there!
You can do it!
You can do it!
That picture came up before anything else so I got to wonder why there was a traffic jam on your site - I figured it was boy child related.
At least you can do the course on-line.
They were probably the same films I saw in high school!
Yeah, you are way lucky to be able to do it online!
Good for you for getting it done!
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