Today was Evan's first day in Primary. I think it went well, no one came and got me because he was freaking out or anything. I got to see him during opening exercises. I had to tell him to turn around a few times. He was very interested in all the people and the different room that he was in.
It was my first day teaching a new class too. I only had two boys show up and it was rather interesting. They were very fidgety, but it was nice being able to give a real lesson. I could ask questions and expect answers instead of the usual blank looks I would get in Nursery. I am happy to be teaching out of the Book of Mormon, I now have an extra incentive to keep up on my scripture reading.
Harry and my husband ended up staying home because of colds. It will be interesting to see how Harry does in Nursery with out his mom and brother near by.
We're twins today! Noah had his first day in Sunbeams, and Daddy stayed home with the other two sick kids. I just love little boys in ties. :D
I love little guys in ties too!
When my daughter was six, we went to an open house at a private school. It was school picture day and all of the kids were extra-dressed up. We visited right after art class and the children were cleaning up after their art projects.
One little boy, Michael, sprayed some cleaner on a worktable. Then he looked at it. Then he carefully wiped the table clean with the end of his necktie. Very dignified.
We enrolled in that school. Michael was always charming but never so much as on that day, in cleaning cloth/ necktie...
He looks so grown-up in that tie!
I had no idea you were LDS. I recognized the title (song) Hehe.
He does look grown up in the tie. Very cute.
What a handsome man.
What an adorable boy... Just came by to say thanks for your visit and comment!
I got a new class too, last week. I'll be teaching it for the first time this week (team teachers) There are, get this, 10 kids in a 5-6 year old class.
Good luck on the other in nursery tomorrow!
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