Here is Evan putting his cement truck down for a nap. I didn't knit the blanket that is being draped on the cement truck but it is hand knit. It is one that he was given while he was in the hospital and has been the one that lasted the longest. It is a nice sturdy cotton.

Evan is not one to let a great idea go to waste even if it is not his own. There was a battle royale over the green laundry basket so I had to get another one.

Harry is a kind brother and not one to hold grudges. He helped Evan back up after Evan fell over. Evan thought it was such good fun that he tipped himself over again a few times.

A closeup of Harry's filthy face. That blurry spot is his finger approaching the camera lens.

It has been Noah's Ark raining. I let the boys out to have some time playing in all the lovely puddles. Harry got soaked, he was not satisfied with polite splashing.

Note the look of glee on Harry's face.
Here is a video of the splashing. Please excuse my jerky camera, I am not exactly a pro at taking videos.
Laundry baskets and puddles, what could be more fun?? :)
Awww! How cute! Puddle splashing is always fun. :)
Way cute!!!!!!!!!!!! (Im a little concerned about how close all that water is to your home though.....)
Gotta love the non-toy toy! Those are some puddles! Looks like fun. :)
Puddles are the best. Thanks for sharing the pics!!!
I loved all the pictures, but my favorite was the one of Harry in the laundry basket reading an upside down book :). So cute :).
I love the tucking up the truck pic - what a kind boy you have there! And of course, baskets (and boxes, and any other small place) are the best!
Ten out of ten for cuteness with this post!
cute, cute, cute!!!
thanks for the warning. we're jealous that you got to play in the rain. our backyard was under 2 feet of water and the winds were crazy here so no rain gear play for us.
oh well.
Laundry basket + reading + your two handsome guys? You have broken all records of cuteness here! My goodness... I am speechless.
Worried though, E. looks too grown up in a necktie. Is that big kid really him?
Hee hee, laundry baskets and rain puddles ... could there be better kid photo opps? :)
i love the rain!!! it has rained really good today but i was in such a hurry that i didnt let the girls enjoy it. some day hahaha
Isn't it adorable how boys will play with their trucks as if they were dolls? Feeding them, and putting them to bed with blankets, and everything. It cracks me up. My son even HAS a couple of dolls, but he ignores them and sings lullabies to his trucks instead.
Also, my son has that same camo rain jacket. Just like both our kids had that same skeleton jacket! If we ever meet in person, I imagine it will be in a Target ;)
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