Thursday, September 21, 2006


Evan had his chest tube and art line removed this morning. His sleeping was very light last night so A.M.'s was practically non existent. However the docs are content with his rate of healing, so we are all thankful. He has to be restrained a bit because he still has some IVs he wants to pull out. Such are the joys of a toddler in the hospital. They are still to young to reason with or bargain with. If something is uncomfortable they act to remove it! This is the time of waiting, waiting to heal, waiting to see how well the surgery worked. Yet I'm grateful to know that everything that can be done is being done. There are not many places in the world where that can be said with regards to medical care. I have been in Health care for nearly 30 years and I have seen great advances. Yet when all is said and done, we still must rely on God's help in times like this.


Unknown said...

Oh my, hope your Evan is hanging in there... I guess feeling lively enough to want to remove IVs is a good thing. Too bad toddlers are even less reasonable than cats about what is good for them...

Hey, toddler-people can be pretty stressy to deal with even when they are feeling great! Hope your fellow is bouncing around really soon!

Best wishes!

Gina said...

So good to hear that he is doing ok. I hope Melissa and everyone else are also holding up well.

Thinking of everyone...

Anonymous said...

wow so glad everything is going ok. Hope the healing keeps going well!!