Sunday, April 02, 2006

Good morning!!

I got to sleep in today thanks to daylight savings time. Harry did not wake up until 7am. The funny thing is that I somehow do not feel refreshed. Stupid daylight savings time!!!

I really hate how this time changes messses with the schedules of the children. They don't care what the clock says, they have not yet learned that it makes a differency. *sigh* Wish me well today. I hope I make it though.

1 comment:

Diane Viere said...

I understand! A few years back, we traveled to Hawaii with our three year old. The five hour time change....felt similar to Daylight Savings time...only 5 times worse! He woke, with a start and a jump, at his usual time--8:00 a.m. Minnesota time. So--at 3:00 a.m. Hawaii time we wondered around the hotel hallways, looked for an all night cafe...and settled out on the beach, under the moon light...and the hotel lights...building a sand castle or two while the dolphins slept! This went on for three mornings untile he adjusted to the time difference!
