Monday, July 07, 2008


I am in potty training hell.

Earlier this spring I decided that it was time for Evan to be out of diapers. He is a bit of a lazy kid and was quite content to have me wipe his bum so long as I did it the second that he wanted me to. I figured that Harry was starting to get old enough to potty train too. A plan was hatched in my mind that after the move I would have a go at it.

Today was the first day and I am not sure that the carpet will be the same. Harry only managed to hit the pot twice and that was because I insisted that he sit on the potty for awhile, not due to any decision on his part. Evan had a much better average but again because I had him sit for a good long while on the potty. One of the times was more of a miss than a hit thanks to his inability to keep his hands of his new favorite toy. Evan also decided to leave a dump right by the potty while he was supposed to be napping. All in all it was a super thrilling day. I am starting wonder if there is a person that I could hire to do this dirty work for me. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


Elizabeth-W said...

Oh No!!!!!
I wish I had some good suggestions, but I don't.
Just keep my mantra in mind: The days are long; the years are short. :)

Michelle, Queen Behind the Lens! said...

My boy won't even sit on the potty-- screams bloody murder! Sigh... the older boy was almost 4 by the time he was fully trained. I feel your pain!!!

Mean Mommy said...

This is the point at which I cover my ears and say "LA LA LA" loudly...

Karen said...

"leave a dump right by the potty while he was supposed to be napping"


I don't miss those days. Good luck!

Ice Cream said...

My mom is rather expensive, but you could always hire her to do it for you like I did. =)

My heart is crying for you as I've lived through too many of these kind of days.

Seriously wishing I could email you some extra sanity!

The Estrogen Files said...

Mmmmm - boys are harder, sorry. The Boy (age 4) still isn't night trained! Hitting the pot - put a cheerio in there and tell him to sink it!!

I feel your pain. Good luck!

Gina said...

Good luck!

It looks like you'll need it! ;)

Damselfly said...

Yikes! Sending prayers....

Anonymous said...

We are still working on getting jacob potty trained - he's happy sit on the toilet - he just never tells me when he has too, unless he is already stinky or something. "Sigh"

Lainey-Paney said...

I have no advice whatsoever.
Gage is almost 3 & we're still not done potty training. Gage will sometimes urinate in the potty, but never poops in the potty.

Laura said...

Oi!!!! Moments like this I am glad we are PASSED that stage!!!!!

LOL maybe move the potty OUTSIDE!

Darren said...

Good luck. I don't mean to rub anything in, but we were lucky. Clare was in daycare when she was potty trained and I don't remember it being much trouble at all.

Pendullum said...

Thinking outside the potty!
Good luck with it ....
No words of advice only encouragement...

Anonymous said...

Wow ... boys really are harder than girls to train eh? Sending good potty vibes your way!