Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A craptastic day

There is mixed news on the potty training front. Harry was a wash and did not hit get anything in the potty at all today. He also apparently is full of crap and decided to show me that every time I turned my back to do a quick chore. Luckily I had the foresight to cut back on the normally high amount of fiber in their diets so the result was not too horribly awful. Harry actually enjoyed cleaning up his accidents and that is when I decided to throw in the towel. I am going to let him decide if he wants a diaper or not but the first accident will see his bum covered right quick.

Evan was great today and only had one accident. I try and get the boys to sit on the potty every so often and that is when Evan would do his thing. Harry has the bladder capacity of a gnat, so I would have had to keep him constantly on the potty. I was loosing hope that Evan would show any initiative to sit on the potty on his own when right before dinner he went with out prompting from me. Awesome! I hope this trend keeps up. He still asks if he can have a diaper, but he also asked if he could put on underwear and play outside. I am hoping that the coolness of Thomas and Lightening McQueen undies wins out. He sure does like the jelly beans he gets.


Sheila @ Dr Cason.org said...

Keep it going!! You'll get there! Also do the Woo Hoo potty dance even if they just try!

Anonymous said...

he would like chocolate even more!

Damselfly said...

Sounds tough! Cute undies and jellybeans sound great to me....

Tama said...

Oh boy! Sounds like lots of fun! I have your yarn done. It is going to be hard to get it away from The Daughter though! She wants some socks out of it BAD. The color is gorgeous!

Kathie said...

Oh, the joys of potty training. I had five so I'm quite an expert. Just keep at it. Consistency seems to work best. And, yes, it will eventually work. Thank goodness that part of my life is over. My youngest is now almost 20 and has been out of diapers for 18 years. Enjoyed your posts. Hope to visit again.
Blessings from Costa Rica

Anne/kq said...


Ems has finally started consistently peeing in the potty-- even when we're out we have less than one accident a week. But she's been doing it for a month or so now and she still hasn't pooped in the potty. It's really hard not to get grumpy at this point, but I know I just have to keep slogging on with the encouragement. And Bridget, well, she says she wants to go on the potty, but she just makes a MESS.

Anonymous said...

i'm dreading potty training boys