Friday, May 30, 2008

Enjoying my vacation

One of the nice things about having eager grandparents around is that you don't have to drag the kids to all the fun and entertaining things in the area. You can relax and let them take them to the kid friendly but often not so adult friendly places. I was quite burnt out after having to take them to all sorts of places while the movers and packers were taking care of stuff. It was nice to be able to read a book straight through with out feeling likeI was neglecting the kids (by the way the Fablehaven series is an awesome read for kids and adults alike).

Now that I am done with my reading jag, I did go with the kids to Liberty Park. They had a lot of fun feeding the geese and ducks. I also managed to feed a solitary pidgeon. I thought it had a lot of moxy to go up against the much larger birds when there was bread around. One goose even took bread right out of Harry's hand much to his delight and my dismay.

The gathering crowd. I told the boys that they had to stay behind the cement line and they obeyed perfectly even when they saw me breaking the rule.

Harry's faithful friend. The bread was long gone at this point but that goose still stuck around.

"Here goosey, goosey"


Vicky said...

Lovely pictures!

You enjoy that rest - you surely deserve it. And there'll be all the UNpacking at the other end, though that is more fun than the packing side of things, and getting the house set up as you like it is satisfying, isn't it?

When do you complete the move?

Jennifer Swanepoel said...

I like your new look! It's actually easier to read this way- your text shows up larger than the other one.

Amanda said...

How fun! I love that your boys obey, even when you don't. ;)

Have you seen Babbit's on the road again? He's vacationing in Florida. Check it out...

Unknown said...

I was thinking ahhhh, how cute. Until I remember that Hadley got attacked by a goose at the pond a couple of weeks ago. Not so cute 'round here. :-)

Enjoy your break you busy girl!

Unknown said...

So cute!!!

Anonymous said...

awww great photos girl!

I am glad you are resting!

Sheila @ Dr said...

Here Goosey Goosey- I love it.

I love the new look as well. I have to fight the urge to keep changing themes!

Bailey said...

My 12 year old was telling me that the guy that writes the Fablehaven series lives in our ward now.

Since I can't take Parker to church I really have no clue who lives in our ward anymore.......but if it is, huh? :)

Bailey said...

Ah....Elder Smith is really Tammy and Parker. My daughter must have been signed in as Elder Smith. (Her Missionary) geez!

Gabriela said...

what fun! Thanks for reminding me about Fablehaven, we have the first one and haven't read it yet.

Your site looks great BTW.

Damselfly said...

That goose is huge!