I have mentioned my
stairs in the
past noting that they are rather annoying. Well, today I braved the jungle that is under them because several key toys had turned up missing for an extended period of time. Casual looks under the stairs had not turned up anything, but having scoured the rest of the house this was my last option. Let me tell you I hit the jackpot when I took the time to really dig in under there. Here is what I found hidden in some nooks and a few crannies.

Resting on top of a large Space Bag of outgrown clothing you will see: a book, a marker, Tow Mater, Substitute Kitty (he only has one arm because Evan snagged him before I could finish knitting him), Bunny (who is very crucial to a good night's sleep for Harry), Joshua (the anatomically correct potty doll), two magnets, a kaleidoscope, all of our easter eggs, a 9 small cars, and a star from a stacking toy. I know that these toys have not been down there all that long, a few weeks at most.
I can tell you right now that when we are house hunting stairs like these are going to be a deal breaker. I am getting sick and tired of the boys throwing toys down there. They have been stepping up their efforts of late and this momma is tired of it.
It did not help that it felt like today the only things I said were "Stop pushing your brother", "Quit fighting!", "Harry/Evan give that back to your brother." and "Get out of the kitchen!" Years ago, when I was a teenager and I knew it all, I rolled my eyes at my parents when they said that the felt like they should just record a tape and play it since they were repeating themselves so often. Now I am debating the merits of several different recording devices. It is funny now things change.
Wow - that's quite an impressive stash!
Why is that we think that everyone else's family must be perfect and we are the only ones who get frustrated from sounding like a broken tape recorder and having kids that fight and bicker? I was so pleased to read this and think, "so glad mine aren't the only ones." And then I thought, "Well, duh, all kids act that way."
So then I had a laugh and had to write about it. :-)
What an exciting find! Thanks for posting the photo. Have been curious about Joshua since Evan talked about him so much at our house. At first I thought it was a boy in his Sunbeam class!
Having 6 children I really should have made some tapes: "Have you brushed your teeth, done your homework, etc. etc. etc.
I told you so! (sorry I just couldnt resisit that)
hehe stashing is so kids!
I have had to look in the oddest of places!
Those broken record days are ever so exhausting eh?
I keep finding the dog you made for us in the crib. I take it out so they can play with it and then next thing I know he is back in there ....
I have to tell you, even if you don't have stairs, you end up with "collections" in very, very odd places (why is there a toy car in my shoe? "Um, Bridget did it." Uh, huh.)
We DO turn into our mothers, using their phrases, taking their actions...
I caught myself wiping Lance's face with a napkin that I licked.
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