I had a very good trip to the thrift store yesterday. It was a Land's End bonanza! I found a Squall jacket, a Halloween costume and a robe all for Evan. Poor Harry will just have to sit tight and wait for Evan to out grow them. Evan wore the costume all afternoon and begged to sleep in it (I was a nice mom and let him).
The costume has hand covers that look like paws. Evan insisted that his hands were covered at all times, despite how difficult it made playing with toys.
While playing in the bean box he got quite a few beans stuck in the hand covers. I had to frisk him when he came inside, he was dropping beans all over the place.
Evan is absolutely adorable! I just got done reading his story. It's so sad that these babies of ours have gone through so much. I'm so new to all this heart stuff. Ella does not have what Evan has, but has a little electrical wiring problem called WPW. Isn't it amazing how in 1 second your life gets flipped around?
Ahhhh. I remember when Alexander wore his tigger sleep suit all day - and night! Now he hates dressing up unless it's 'ordinary' clothes type of dress up. like on my blog the other day!
Aren't they adorable?
Too cute! You're a good mom for letting Evan sleep in his new costume. :)
So cute! Kids really know how to have fun. And what a deal, a day full of fun for Evan at a thrift store price.
Sara wore her leopard costume for three years. I begged her to throw it out after 2 years because it was so small but she wore it until the day she bent down to get something and yelped in pain because it shot up her ...um...privates because if the tightness.
Evan is so sweet. I can just imagine how many 'super mom' points you scored by letting him sleep in it!!
That is so cute! I just love it when I find thrift store bargains that my kids just adore. It makes the days I come away empty-handed so worth it...
Oo I so adore thirft shopping, I just cannot get there often enough!!! That is such a cute costume!
Great haul!!!! And so cute in that costume!!!
That is an adorable costume - love the pictures!
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