Monday, March 17, 2008

Nose picking

I managed to snap some pictures of Harry's new talent (I never thought I would encourage my kid do pick his nose just to satisfy the curiosity of strangers), sadly my camera's USB cord is at home. You picture mad people are just going to have to wait.

One thing that I kind of wonder about is the universality of children picking their noses and eating the contents. Where do they get the idea to even do that? I can promise you that I have not picked and licked since the day my friend's mom told me that I would get worms in my stomach from doing that. I also have not observed my husband eating his own boogers, although what he does when I am not looking I can not attest to. Maybe his grandparents or aunties have been setting the bad examples. Hmmm.......


Anonymous said...

hehe I am not sure where they get the idea from ... just cause the booger is there I suppose!

Elizabeth-W said...

There are just so many orifices to explore!! And like a box of chock-lits, you never know what you're gonna git.

Gina said...

Either my son doesn't do it, or he does it in secret, because I've never seen him.

I like the worm line, though.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Instead of eating them you started rolling them into little cannon balls and morphed into a pick and flick type person.

Jennifer Swanepoel said...

Some things just seem to be instinct! Maybe long, long ago in human evolution before Miss Manners and Dear Abby it was socially acceptable to eat one's boogers.

who knows?

Creative-Type Dad said...

I'm going through this with my 2-year old.
I think she got it from old people...they're always picking their noses.