Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Knitting and parenting

I have discovered that knitting and parenting have some similarities. Right now one of my projects is in time out for not behaving properly. My other projects are blossoming from the extra attention I am lavishing on them, so there is some good to be had in such a frustrating situation.

I have a 356 knitting stitches calender that I love looking at. It is fun seeing all the different things that you can do with knitting and purling. I am still trying to not be miffed that Evan's birthday pattern is Reverse Stockinette Stitch. I mean really how is that even a stitch? It is regular Stockinette just flipped over. I would have been happy with even Crossed Stockinette Stitch which was the pattern for yesterday. Oh well at least my birthday pattern is Lacy Checks, something fun and sassy.


Vicky said...

You are very witty (and astute!) woman.

What is my birthday stitch? (August 4th) I'll knit myself a Birthday Suit with it!

Unknown said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog. Knitting - I can only do plain and purl. My daughters can now manage plain, and are knitting never ending dollies scarves.

Karen said...

356 knitting stitches? Well, you're going to run out before the end of the year!!!

I hope it's not my socks that are in time out. I'd feel badly if they were causing you grief.

Family Adventure said...

I grew up with a mom who was - is - a wizard knitter. And it put me right off - I could never become as good as her, so why bother? Terrible attitude, I know, and that is why I am now in awe of knitters like yourself :)

Have a good day,


Anonymous said...

I laughed at your project in time out :-)

Enchanted Yarn & Fiber said...

It is my honor to inform you that you have received the "You're Enchanting" award! You can read about it at my blog and pick up a button for yours! :)

Melissa said...

I have really been wanting to get back into knitting. You are making me crave it again :)

Tama said...

Very funny! I put project in "time out" for behaving badly as well.

Gina said...

I hate it when the calendar has crappy stuff listed on my birthday. March always seems to have the ugliest pictures on the calendars, too.

Anonymous said...

hehe I have the Knit n' Bitch a day calendar. I am so lame I never thought to check my birthday!