The last few days have been pretty tough. Harry has been on one for the last week or so. He has been rather whiny and clingy, it is almost like he is sick but he is not showing any symptoms of anything. I think the time change has thrown him off a bit and he is frustrated with his mom who can't read his little mind. Wednesday I had a tough morning because I had a cranky child and I ended up having to run my husband's hat for his dress uniform down to base so that he could be properly dressed for the ceremony he was being forced to attend. He hates having to get all gussied up and military uniforms are not noted for their comfort. That took a whole hour out of my morning (on a day when we had a morning appointment) and it also meant that I was stuck in the car with a whiny Harry.
I found out this afternoon that my weekend gets to start off early. Command threw my husband a bone for having to get all dressed up and gave him Friday off. Now I get to sleep in tomorrow and maybe even run a few errands with out having to take the kids. I made Harry stay up later than he had been going to bed (it was a struggle to keep him up until 7) and hopefully that will help normalize his sleeping pattern.
Hope you enjoy your free time!
YAY For a long weekend!!!
The time change has been rough here too!
This military dress uniforms may not be comfortable, but those guys look so good in them! :)
I guess I haven't been here long enough to realize your dh was military. Thank him for me, would ya?
I hate the time change right along with Harry!
And here's hoping you are still asleep.
enjoy your day of relaxation. play some neopets games! ;)
Have a fantastic long weekend! How wonderful to get out without the kids!!
Enjoy your child-free time out!
The time change messed up my kids too :(!
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