I have a feeling cranky might be the theme for the week here at the Awesome Mom household. Can you guess which of my boys went on a nap strike (depriving his own mother of a much needed nap) and only finally deciding to sleep at 3:45 so mom got to have the thrill of waking him at 4 on the dot (I don't let them sleep later than that since bed time is really messed with if they do)? It is a tough choice I know, but I am sure that most of you will get it right.

In a strange reverse of temperament the cheerful nap taking boy screamed his head off when mom went to make dinner. He then refused to eat any of the lovely stroganoff that was put on his high chair tray. Both boys managed to pull it together right before bed time and were both exceedingly cheerful, I was exceedingly cheerful as I put them to bed for the night.
cranky naps sleep
Cranky is as cranky does. OK, so I don't really know what that means but I'm trying not to have a cranky attitude when my kids feel that way.
Love the pictures, BTW. But the new profile pic? A bit frightening. :-)
Oh, these pictures are cute! Some days, it seems as though nothing we do can make Snuggle Bug happy...he's just cranky to be cranky. Thankfully those days are few and far between, but when they hit, it makes us cranky too!
I've woken Snuggle Bug up from naps too, for fear he won't sleep through the night. Sometimes a mommy has to do what a mommy has to do!
Hang in there!
I'm gonna go with door number 1, Bob. Door number 1.
Yesterday must have been cranky day! Duck was particularly cranky. All we wanted her to do was to pull the plug out of the bath tub when she finished her bath. She responded by screaming, crying, stomping her feet, splashing water all over the place and slamming doors. During it all she screamed that she was going to tell everyone at school that we were trying to make her pull the plug so she could go to a foster home and have a new mommy. We told her to go ahead. After all, if she were successful (which I doubt she would be over that), the foster parents would be calling us in a day begging us to come and get that lovely little ray of sunshine...
Wow, when did you do this reno?
It looks absolutely smashing!!!
So, could you try and click on my comment and see if you can visit me...
Makes me sad that blogger is screwing up...Yet again!
crankiness is so weird. here one day, gone another. and then i think about myself and how i go through moods...makes perfect sense!
I get cranky without my nap, too. When The Girl was little, if she wasn't in nap mode at the designated time, I was not beyond popping in a Barney tape to get my 30 minute recharge. Don't know if you can do that with 2 boys though - what mischief one doesn't think up the other one will.
I will also go with door number one, lol! How can a child have such a sour expression but be so cute at the same time :)?!
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