Yesterday I was in the kitchen getting lunch ready. I hear crying but did not immediately rush to Harry's side thinking it was just a sibling spat. Harry kept crying and it intensified so I rushed over to see him hanging from our DVD/VCR by his finger.
Looking at the evidence it appeared that he had been using a small step stool that was some how in out living room to explore the inner workings of the VCR portion. That flap was just too interesting to pass up. While his little finger was in the flap he fell off the stool leaving him his predicament.
The poor finger looked pretty bad at first. I was a little worried that it could have been broken. It needed to be bandaged at the very least. The bandage ended up looking quite funny since I had to use an enormous amount of tape to make sure that Harry could not get the dang thing off his finger.
I took the bandage off this morning and his poor little finger looks better but there are bits of skin off of it and I am sure it will be sore for awhile. At least now it does not look like he is flipping you off all the time.

Awww, poor little Harry! A similar thing has happened at our home before ... not fun at all. I noticed he was sucking his thumb in the picture, so at least it didn't happen to his beloved thumb :)! Good luck keeping that bandage on!
Aw, look at that thing! Poor little guy. Bet he'll have fun looking at those photos when he's old enough to understand the middle finger, though ...!
Poor thing!
awwwwwwww :(
Awww, poor Harry! I hope he feels better soon. I hate to see little kids hurt. :(
Take care.
Poor little guy! :) He probably won't be trying THAT again! Now he'll just put in non-body small toys, or oatmeal! :)
My husband told me that later that night before it was time for Harry to be in bed he was attempting the same feat that got him in trouble in the first place. I guess he is not a very quick learner sometimes. Mom is quick however and has removed the stool from the living room.
What is it with kids and fingers in things that don't belong? Mine climbed up a desk and two shelves after repeatedly being told "no" and having it moved ever higher to see what happened when she stuck her finger in the electric pencil sharpener once. *sigh* On the plus side, she now listens better when we tell her something is dangerous and she could get hurt.
Hope Harry is better soon! Luckily toddlers heal fast.
aww poor little guy! Hope his finger heals quickly (and that if not this time, the next time he will learn not to put his fingers in the unknown!)
Poor guy! I hope his finger heals soon!
awe.. so cute!
I love the picture of him sucking his thumb!
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