I finally caved and gave Harry his first hair cut. The final straw was a little girl at the park comparing Harry's hair to her own. If I was a more wealthy person I would spring for a professional to do it and make sure the curls stayed but I am not so I buzzed him. I think God was punishing me though because it was super hard to buzz him since his hair was so thin and long. It took forever and did not turn out as nice as Evan's hair does. You can tell that the curl will come back because I see it struggling to come out even though the hair is short. He sure is a lot like his dad in that regard.
Note to self: do not cut the boy's hair after you have breakfast for dinner. Syrup makes the hair stick to little hands and faces.Before
toddler hair
Look at that handsome man! :) I know it was tough though, we sure had a hard time chopping of Jacob's curls.
Awww. I probably would have left them. ;)
Oh, Oh, OH! How could you?????
(He looks just like Evan now!!)
But why?? (whines) I liked the curls.
He still looks like a little cutie - even without his curls.
What have you done?!?!
Oh wow he looks so much more like Evan than before!
He looks adorable either way!
He is handsome! I can see his hair still wants to curl.
BTW...we love breakfast for dinner around here!
My ds had the blonde curls like yours. I remember the day he got his first haircut and how different he looked! Harry is looking like a little boy now. :)
Oh goodness. I so need to do that with E. I need your courage!
So handsome, your two little men.
he looks cute either way!
Looks good!
(Course, our family is known for boys with buzzed hair)
....A few curls on the top would be cute!
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