Naughty incident number one was caused by Harry. We just bought a new floor lamp to replace an old one. It had a light bulb that was propitiary so when it went out there was no way to replace the bulb (no wonder the lamp was so cheap). The new one was pretty swank and had a lovely glass shade. Sadly the base was pretty light making the whole thing top heavy. I moved it this morning to vacuum behind it and helpful Harry happily knocked it down

Naughty incident two happened in the five seconds that I was inside trying to start lunch while Evan was outside playing on the patio. He cruelly stomped one of my husband's poor tiny pumpkin plants. To do this he had to climb over a small wire fence that my husband put up to keep the kids out. Very naughty little boy!
Number three was the real kicker. We live in an end town home unit. The area where ours is situated is rather private in the winter but come summer when the pool opens and the kids wander around outside it is a magnet for trouble making teenagers. When we first moved in we would literally have them sitting on our doorstep smoking. After chasing them off several times they moved to smoking by our side yard fence. My husband would then develop a sudden urge to water the plants. My husband is not very accurate with the hose and "accidentally" got the teenagers wet(so sad, I know).
Today was our first

I would not have actually called the police since I doubt the would have been all that quick to come. Instead I would have called my neighbor who is also our hometeacher. He is one scary looking dude and he has a son who is a hulking guy. They would have scared those kids off in no time had they stuck around.
egads you have had a rough day :(
Tomorrow is sure to be better!
Sorry about your day. :(
Ugh!!! Whatever happened to respecting other's property. I guess those teens missed that lesson.
Yikes!!!!! But THAT is a hometeacher I could definitely use 'round here!!!
Sounds like you've had a rough day! I'd be talking to the parents of those teens - that might slow things down for you. I hope tomorrow is a better day!
Wow, you did have a bad day. I absolutely can not stand rude teenagers and how dare they be so disrespectful to you and your property. My husband would take care of it fast... but then again, he's a cop so he would know exactly what to do.
Sounds like you have a great Hometeacher. I bet if he came by while those rude kids were there just once, the kids would think twice about smoking and cussing on your doorstep.
Good luck and I hope that today is a better day!
I think i would have pour some water out of my upstairs window right on those little shits
I think all days are naughty days at my house... :)
I hope your days just get better.
What a day! Sorry to hear it was filled with such naughty things :(! I hope tomorrow is better for you.
When it rains, it pours.
Definitely ask your neighbor to peek out the next time those punks hang around your place.
Oh yes, scary dude trumps all!!
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