Here is Evan in his latest fashion accessory. They are his beloved "asses" He enjoys wearing them so much (probably because both mommy and daddy wear them) that he will get most upset when I make him take them off. Note that they are a super cool silver instead of the babyish other colors that he had to choose from. Harry refused to keep them on, so he was not allowed to have a pair.

In keeping with the whole bad boy theme, here is tattoo artist Evan working his magic on his father. Evan loves to color on himself and other people. I have not had the heart to break him of this since we use washable markers that are truly washable. Plus it is sometimes used in his therapy to get him to interact with his left hand. We went out to eat on Friday and he was given some crayons. Once he got tired of coloring on the place mat he started trying to color on me despite my assurances that crayons did not work on skin.
coloring kids sunglasses
Cute pics!!!
A tattoo artist in the future?!?! hehe
LOL! The pictures are adorable. He looks like he's having so much fun coloring on you!
Completely adorable!
Evan's "asses" are super cool!
Rofl, those hairy arms belong to my husband.
Nice tats. He looks like a hardcore biker now.
Cute pictures! :) Thanks for sharing!
Sounds like our little guys like doing the exact same thing. He's so cute.
Tattooing, huh? Cute! My kids, every SINGLE one of them (no foolin!) has loved sunglasses and prefered to wear them upside down. Without prompting. Putting them the other way is NOT. ACCEPTABLE. EVER.
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