Tuesday, February 12, 2008

7 great websites

Here are 7 great websites to learn more about CHD.

  1. Congenital Heart Information Network
  2. Blue Baby Operation
  3. Cincinnati Children's Hospital
  4. Kid's Health
  5. Wikipedia
  6. Congenitalheartdefects.com
  7. Lucille Packard Children's Hospital

The boys are sick again with yet another cold so I have been dealing with cranky snotty children. I am about ready to turn us all into hermits that never leave the house so that we can finally get healthy for longer than a week. We have not been to a play date in forever because of this. I need some mommy chat time bad.

Damselfly copied me! Go check it out. I am quite flattered.


Zephra said...

Another cold! Poor babies. Hope this one passes quickly.

Anonymous said...

I so understand the hermit thing. I haven't been to the gym in weeks because my preschooler was sick almost constantly.

Melissa said...

thanks for the links