Thursday, October 16, 2008

What happens when you give a kid a camera

I was feeling silly this afternoon and I let Evan play a bit with my camera. Don't worry I made sure he stayed in sight and made sure that he understood to be careful with it. He took some very amusing and random pictures.

A flower pen and a jug of vinegar.

Our salt shaker and Harry's hand.

The not very clean carpet with some little toes peeking into the frame.

A close up of Harry's hand with the refrigerator in the background.

Evan's bum.

A blurry shot of some of our chairs and the dining room table.

A shot of two silly boys.


Lizzie said...

Those are great pics!!! Its great to see a kids perspective!!

Anne/kq said...

Very cute! :)

Emma took some stinkers and some really good shots at my dad's birthday party. I have to say the screen to see what you're photographing helps a lot! We didn't have that when I was that age (and film is much more expensive than memory!)

Anonymous said...

hehe too cute!
My daughter has a fascination with her foot. Tons of pictures of her foot.

Zephra said...

Actually, that first shot is very artistic.

spice2116 said...

some of those pictures are really awesome!!! i love it when the girls take pictures

Gabriela said...

How fun! My kids love to get their hands on my camera, or cell phone.

Love the bum shot!

Heather said...

love it!

Unknown said...

lol I love the last one and that's usually what I get when they have had my camera lol

Sheila @ Dr said...

I really like these. So cute- from the little one's perspective.

Karen said...

I love pictures that kids take. I remember taking the wee ones to Walt Disney World and seeing their pictures afterwards. They weren't of rides or big things, but a lot of ducks and birds and pictures of man hole covers. Too cute!

and ya gotta love digital for letting them do these kindsa things!