We made our annual pumpkin patch trip today. I love going to these kinds of places with the kids because everything is so darn exciting to them. The weather has been rather wet all week so it was a rather muddy trip but we managed to make it through with out loosing any shoes. The weather started out foggy and chilly but once the sun came out it got very nice.

Checking out some carved pumpkins.

"Wook kikens!" said Harry

We were not supposed to take the wheel barrows into the patch. *blushes* We did not notice the signs about that until we were leaving. Harry had a lot of fun pushing it though.

The boys with their spoils. We actually got three pumpkins (my husband wanted one too) but the third one is too short to see.

Evan is this tall.

Harry is this tall.
What a cool pumpkin patch! I am so jealous! We can't grow pumkins in my area. We have to go to Wal-Mart to buy a pumkin. That's no fun!
A fun pumpkin patch! And chickens, too. We were only able to grow 3 pumpkins---only 2 matured enough to turn orange.
Hoping we get to see Evan and Harry in their Halloween costumes later on (hint, hint)
Sniff. Always soooo happy to see pumpkin love everywhere. :-)
kikens. Ha!
So cute!
A friend of mine in our ward has a huge patch. It's her kids' business. They tend the patch and the money they earn is theirs. One year, they bought a Wii--stuff like that. Pretty much these days everyone in the ward goes there for their pumpkins. They take kids on hay rides, etc. It's like a ward activity for 2 weeks out there :)
Yay for pumpkin patches!!! Looks like a ton of fun!
oh cool! i'm so looking forward to going next weekend. i love pumpkin patches. they're the best thing!
We are going to a pumpkin-carving/Halloween party this Saturday, so we got pumpkins at the store last Friday. Just for the kids though; somehow we are kind of not into the thought of helping the kids with their pumpkins and THEN doing our own... While trying to keep costumes from getting all pumpkiny.
Wow, you've got a real pumpkin patch. Ours is on a patch of concrete. :) Looks like a super fun place. Glad to see you are getting to know your new town. The boys are so cute -- and big!
Great Pics!!
Oh how cute! "Wook kikens!" I love going to the pumkin patch also. In fact, so much that this past spring I had planted my own pumpkin patch and even had some pumpkins to give away before we moved. It was a lot of fun.
Great pictures :o) Xx
Looks like fun, and those boys are getting so big!! We are hoping to make it to a pumpkin patch this weekend unless we get rained out...
I *heart* the pumpkin patch... we go every year. This year I thought my oldest (9) would tell me he's too old for it...but he loved it anyway :-)
Such nice pictures, thanks for sharing.
We went to the pumpkin patch on Saturday too! After the girls soccer games - it was so much fun. I love doing things like that too this time of year. We usually buy our pumpkins afterwards at the grocery store though, because they are less expensive (though this year they were only a penny less a pound - where in years past they have been a lot less per pound).
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