Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pregnancy update

Today I had my first appointment at my OB's office. I saw a nurse and it was a basic risk assessment history gathering session. I did get to pee in a cup and have my blood drawn. I think the person that drew my blood hit a nerve or something because my arm is sore when I move it.

I love the massive pile of literature that you get every time you have a kid. It seriously doubled the weight of the diaper bad I was carrying. Another amusing thing is that I got my very own urine sample cup to bring with me every time I have an appointment. I am supposed to bring it with me filled, fun huh? You really learn to not be embarrassed by things when you get pregnant. Hopefully I will be able to learn to be casual about carrying around a cup with my own pee in it.

Next week I get my really fun and very personal examination with a NP who will be scrutinizing my womanly parts. Luckily my sister will be in town so I have babysitting already lined up and won't have to drop them off anywhere.


Heather said...

You know, in all 3 of my pregnancies, they never once tested my urine.

Aunt Kathy said...

Haha the last time I was pregnant was 1987 and I still have my pregnancy urine cup in the medicine cabinet. You just never know when you will need something like that.

Gabriela said...

Ugggggh. I hate the invasiveness of early pregnancy exams. You'd think you'd get used to it, but I never did.

That's cool you have your own cup though. :)

Lizzie said...

Ohhhh the joys of pregnancy!! Glad you got a babysitter, I don't know what my kids would do when the womanly parts got examined!!LOL

Damselfly said...

You're supposed to bring your pee with you? Huh. How do they know it's your pee? Maybe it's your dog's pee or your neighbor's.

The one thing I dread about the idea of having a second baby is going to all those dern appointments!

Awesome Mom said...

I was actually just thinking that very same thing. I could easily get my husband to do it and no one would be the wiser. He is a guy and much better about being able to pee in a cup than I am.

I also hate the massive number of appointments. It sometimes makes me want to cry, especially after having to deal with so many of Evan's appointments

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've had a couple of those exams where I've had a toddler sitting on my stomach/chest facing me while the exam is going on down below... not the most fun ever.

Tama said...

I am soooooooo glad I am done with the pregnancy stuff! There is no faster way to loose every bit of "coolness" than to go through a pregnancy. I won't even go in for my annual exams--I know, I know, shame on me! I have only gone once in the last 12 years. I'm sorry, but there are just some things that should remain "privates"!! Thank goodness I was never asked to carry around my pee with me--there might have been a few less children.

Anonymous said...

aww the first appointment!! How fun. With my first i had to bring in the first pee too!

Anonymous said...

Why do you have your own pee cup? And hopefully it has a nice tight lid!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your expected bundle. I'm so happy for you. Even though I hated the 1st appt, I liked getting the first pic of the little bean.

LOL about the pee. If you do use your DH's you might get some funny looks if they do a pregnancy test on it.

Anonymous said...

wow I am a sucky blog friend, i dont know how I missed this!! Much congrats and can i just say i'm jealous!! I cant wait to have more kiddles!

Tammy and Parker said...

Oh. I lub preggies.

My OBGYN just handed me a Dixie cup, lol!

Ruth said...

Congratulations! I, too, am an awful blogger and just now found out. I never got my own personal cup! Thank goodness. You might as well decorate it, you know, so no one mistakes it for a non-pee cup.