People have been harassing me for these and I finally got my act together enough to take some pictures of the house. The ones that I took after our offer was accepted were so bad that I did not want to post them. I plan on taking interior pictures as we finish up our unpacking.
Unpacking has been slow due to the loss of motivation and the fact that we have to somehow scare up couches for our living room and family room. The ones we bought before we got married seven (yes seven, time sure flies and my anniversary just happened on the 15th) years ago were rather sad looking so we did not move them with us. The big hang up is that my husband prefers the man eating over stuffed couches and I prefer a slimmer more classic looking couch. It may take us some time to reconcile our differences. I think the only reason we were able to agree on a couch before was that we were not married and my husband was eager to please his wife to be.

Here is the front of the house. As you can see there is a very nice mature tree in the front. There is also a poor lonely maple that I feel may have been badly placed. The previous owners seemed to really like maple trees, there are two others that are rather young in the back yard. Apparently they are great for Kansas since they bend well with the heavy winds. In case you can't tell the house is a creamy yellow and a sage green, colors that I would have picked had I been picking the color the house paint.

The back of the house. Thrilling huh? My husband is itching to put a brick patio next to the steps.

Here is the side area of the back yard. There is a concrete pad there where we are planning on keeping the kiddy pool. I want to get some sort of shade there so that the kids to not burn in the sun.

Of all the things that were left behind this annoyed me the most but thrilled the kids the most. While they were in Utah they got a taste for trampoline jumping while at their cousin's house. I need to find some sort of step stool so that they can get up and down on their own. I know that we will not be moving it with us nor will we leave it for the renters (too much of a chance of injury and being sued). You can also see a very annoyingly placed maple tree. It is right near the power line to the house. One of the things I plan on doing before long is digging it up and moving it to a better place in the yard.

Here is a closeup of the dirt work we had done. We are trying to sprout grass on it but are being bad at remembering to keep it moist. If nothing sprouts soon I am going to get some sod to keep the rain from washing the dirt away.

If anyone can tell me what this plant is I would be very happy. I know I have some readers out there that are gardening nuts.
Love that front yard tree!
Good luck on sofa shopping :)
Isn't home ownership fun??????
I think that plant is poison ivy! (ha!)
It's hard to get grass to grow well in an area that is shaded part of the day. I have a similar area in back of my house, that is sloped with packed earth to take water away from the foundation, and I covered it with lava rock (using some cheap landscape border to keep the rock in) and planted some ornamental perennials there. Hostas do nicely in that kind of spot, as long as you remember to water them.
Wow! What a cute house. Your backyard looks so sunny. Just think of all the possibilities! I wish I knew what that plant was. It reminded me of a plant I had once, but the name that comes to mind apparently doesn't exist -- nothing came up on Google!
I think it is "joe pye weed" Eupatorium fistulosumn
yes and I like the house too
Wow what a nice house. I personally love the trees, although I agree about that one being badly placed.
How are you adjusting?
It looks like a great place to bring up the kids.
Gorgeous! As to the tramp - I know lots of people who have dug their trampolines into the ground, removing the need for a stool AND lowering the falling factor. Good luck with the grass!
Yes, the joys of home ownership. But those mature maples and that big yard? I was salivating! I'll never build new again....
Love your front yard. Nice!
Congrats, congrats! Although, I must say, I'm glad I don't have any grass/trees/shrubs. :) Hehe
That is the beauty of having aboth a family room and a living room. You each get to control the decor of one room. =)
I love your front yard tree. It looks like a great climbing tree.
I'm not a gardening expert, but it looks like a spirea to me. Check this link:
Ooo it is all so beautiful!!!!
Sorry no clue on the plant. The flowers look familiar, but the flowered plant I am thinking of has different leaves. The house is very cute, and what a lovely yard.
Stay away from trampolines! I will send you a picture of my face at 13 years old after I bounced it off the bar of a trampoline if you need something convincing. Plastic surgery, 51 stitches, a black eye that lasted for two months, two weeks of missed school, thousands and thousands of dollars in doctor bills, broken nose and eye socket, and a ruined sinus that still gives me CONSTANT pain, problems, and infections. All I did was over-rotate a front flip with socks on. Burying it in the ground will not save you from this injury or other neck and back injuries. Please don't get one. They seem like fun, but they are a doctor's dream--he can now afford that cabin in Aspen!
What a cute house! I love it!
I've just started to get into gardening, but I'm afraid I don't know what that plant is.
that house is beautiful!!! way to luck out
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