What is wrong with this picture? There are three adults busily designing a very complicated train track pattern, but where is the child that this toy was supposedly designed for?

This is Harry's playpen. The boys get giggly and rowdy, so I nap them in separate rooms. Harry loves to bring all sorts of odds and ends into the playpen with him. He goes right to sleep, so I allow it. Evan plays the entire time no matter how sleepy, so he lost the privilege of bringing toys to nap time. You will note that there is some tooth paste, a roll of medical tape and a book. Unseen are a multitude of small cars that are hiding under the blanket.
I have a hilarious Harry story, well I think it is hilarious but you will have to be the judge of that. The other night, after bath time, Harry is running the hall like a mad man. He is sans clothing or diaper of any kind. I am still in the bathroom drying off Evan who loves to linger in the bath watching the water go down the drain. Harry lets a very loud toot. This surprises him a bit but he decides it is quite amusing and he laughs his laugh reserved for the most funny of situations.
I can see the little wheels start to turn in his little head. He is thinking "Gee that was funny, I want to try that again." Harry then looks like he is about to poop, he has the serious look on his face and is even grunting a bit. I fear for my clean carpet but Harry quickly perks up, realizing that he can't make another toot on demand. He is such a boy!
Ok, that first picture I have seen many many times in my house.
And I think the toot story is hi-larious! Yikes!
Why is it that the grownups always have more fun with the trains than the kids :-).
Too too cute!
Harry is SUCH a doll!
As a mom of two girls, I can tell you with certainty pooting humor does not apply to the less gentle of the species exclusively.
hehe the train picture is so classic!
Harry is so cute! Adore that he cannot fart on demand. Becca tries to burp on demand and cannot!
really we buy those toys for the husbands, don't we?
funny story!
That is cute!
The same thing happened when we got the dang train table for Mr. P. Took forever to se up and he didn't even care.
Looks all too familiar. Very cute kids though.
Ooo we have that set too. As for poop, you can't take the 'male' out of little boys.
I love it!
My brothers would give my dad "toys" that they secretly wanted to play with themselves.... Maybe that's part of what's going on with the track, but in reverse? :)
That is very cute! And so true, such a boy thing! :D
looks like so much fun!
LOVE the train track picture! My husband spent HOURS setting ours up and she destroyed it within moments. :-)
Hello Awesome Mom,
I just found your blog today, after you left a comment. Nice to meet you.
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