I think that I would not be as annoyed with the calling if they would actually deliver the dang Synagis on time. The first time it was a day or so late but last time it was a whole week late. That was a whole week that Evan was vulnerable to the virus. I had also managed to get everything set up so that Evan's shots and Harry's well baby check ups were all at the same time. I had to make an extra trip to the office just for the shot. This company had the nerve to send me a survey asking me to rate how they were doing before we had even received any kind of service from them.
The most annoying monthly phone calls ever award goes to Evan's insurance case manager. Every month for almost a year I got a call from "Angelina" who did not speak the best English, making each call especially frustrating and annoying. She quizzed me every month about how Evan was progressing. Each and every time she had to ask me the same questions many of which she could have answered juts by reading his medical file. I know that she had permission to read it since I signed the papers myself.
After what seemed an eternity she told me that the monthly calls would stop. I took this to mean that she was just not going to call me but what was really happening was that Evan was being taken off of case management. That was fine until Evan's cardiologist's office called her to get something taken care of and she had stopped working there. I was ticked to say the least. Once my husband called to complain the case management people were falling over themselves to make sure that we were satisfied and everything got taken care of extra fast.
...wow... some pretty annoying calls. Although they seem to have a good outcome once you put them in their place! :-)
You have every right to feel annoyed and frustrated by these phone calls and this company that was not giving you very good service, to say the least ~ I would too!
I didn't know Evan's story: I've never looked closely at your sidebar. But today I did, and read back through his story, and I'm so moved. Nothing more challenging than struggling with the well-being of your child.
So, yes, all of this is to say - holy frustrating phone call!
I hate annoying phone calls.
It sounds like you get more of them than I do!
This is all well and good, but I say more pics of the BOYZ!
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