Thursday, January 07, 2010


Today was a snow day which despite Harry pooping in his pants and biting Evan was welcome. The high was around 4 and I didn't really fancy going out in that kind of cold. The low tonight is supposed to be -11 with another single digit high. Luckily school is canceled for tomorrow so we will again get to stay snug in our warm house. Since I missed posting yesterday I am including two pictures.

Proof that on Daniels bald little noggin some hair does indeed lurk.

This pic makes me cry, it is the start of the snow storm that has us hiding in our homes.


Tama said...

Daniel is growing fast! I love the little "mohawk". It has been bitter cold here also. Not much snow. The snow we got several weeks ago isn't melting though! Stay warm!

Ice Cream said...

All of my babies are bald until they turn 2.

-11? Brrrrrr!

spice2116 said...

wow all that snow looks like SOOO much fun to play in!! beautiful!! i bet it is totally different then the previous state and sun you are used too.

Anonymous said...

Felt cold just looking at that last photo!! This week is a rainy one for us. If you could ship us some of that snow the children would be thrilled (including Isaac)

chelle said...

It is cold here but we are still trudging off to school :( Not fun with little ones in tow.

Hope it warms up soon!

ParkerMama said...

The air quality here is so bad that we are all hoping for a storm so that we can actually breathe again.
