Evan and Harry are always asking to hold the baby and occasionally I let them, watching them like a hawk the whole time. Poor Baby Daniel will have to put up with it until he gets too big for them to hold or at the very least active enough to squirm out of their grasp.
All mah boyz (messy faces and everything)
Evan is obviously the better holder of the two.
I promise Daniel is not crying, he is rather concerned though.
That's cute that they love him so much. My older 2 asked to hold the baby a lot too. Not so much anymore...they just don't bother to ask anymore.
Too cute. Great expression on Daniel's face! Evan and Harry are great big brothers but you'll probably give a sign of relief when Daniel is a bit older.
So adorable!! Wow, I've been away for awhile- I didn't know that you had the baby already!! Congratulations!
Alright, those pictures made ME want to hold him. What an absolute DOLL!
aww so sweet that they want to hold him! All too soon he will be too big for the holding!
i can't believe how big Evan is getting. They all look so much alike.
love the pictures!! that is kind of how the girls are right now with sam. let me hold him let me hold him until he starts crying and then they are done lol
So sweet!
Awwww----sweet brother pictures.
Very cute! And I agree with how very much alike they all are. Daniel makes Harry in particular look very grown up.
I have tagged you! Go and have a look at my blog for the details! Hope you have time to play along...
he looks like he's trying to get away hee hee hee. Such cuties <3
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