Sunday, December 02, 2007

Sunday cuteness

We decorated our tree on Monday. They boys had a blast but I was too busy with them to get any pictures, sorry. Last year at a work party my husband acquired a Sponge Bob Squarepants ornament. It is hideous, but it is light plastic so I tolerate it because it is no biggie if the boys break it. The other day I saw Evan by the tree admiring the ornament. He exclaimed "Cheese!" and then put it in his mouth so that he could eat it. I had to explain to him that it was pretend cheese and we do not put pretend cheese in our mouths. Now whenever he sees that ornament he exclaims "Pretend Cheese!" and "No eating."

Evan has been full of cuteness of late. We have been trying to get him to say a prayer. We got one good one (with him repeating what we say) but he has clammed up ever since. Lately he decided that if he says the prayer he will get to eat sooner. The only problem is that his idea of a prayer goes something like this "Hefader (Heavenly Father) Amen!"

Harry is getting to be a bit of a contrary two-year-old. He loves to crawl up on my lap while I am knitting. I have found a fool proof way to get him off my lap so I can knit. All I do is ask him if I can have a kiss. He will take off running and giggling if I tell him I want a kiss. It is actually one of his favorite games to play.


Anne/kq said...

Bridget tries to eat pretend cheese too! We just usually let her, though...

Ah, the running away from kisses game. Emma rarely does that since Bridey started kissing everyone all the time. Now she wants kisses too since her sister is getting some!

Anonymous said...

Very cute - Merry Christmas

Nanette said...

Ha! Too cute about running from the kisses! I do that (ask for a kiss) and I get licked.