Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Sunday, oh wait Tuesday Cuteness

We were trying out a homemade fajita recipe for dinner last night. Evan was doing his normal playing around with his food because it looks strange and different routine. Suddenly he picked up one of the red bell pepper slices and exclaimed "Three!" The peppers had been cut such that they appeared to be in the shape of a three. Sadly that did not entice him to eat them. We had to enforce the one bite rule so that he could have Family Home Evening treat.

Harry is such a busy little guy. He always seems to have some important business that he is attending to. One of his greatest joys is putting things in the right place. This is often hit and miss, as my floor can attest, but when Harry is on a roll he is amazing.

Yesterday we had a quick appointment with the pediatrician to get some booster shots for the boys. I brought a piece of Halloween candy for the boys to help curtail the post shot hysterics. It worked like a charm, nary a tear was seen. While I was getting Evan's pants back on, Harry found an infinitesimal part of the wrapper that I had torn off the candy wrapper to open it. He then picked it up and went right to the trash can. It was one of those step cans, but he used both hands to lift the lid and get that piece of trash into the can.

Later that same morning I was changing the boy's diapers. I noticed that Evan's was bone dry so I dropped the clean one I had in my hand and the one he had been wearing on the floor and got that boy on the toilet, hoping that he would use that instead. While Evan was on the potty I went to the kitchen to put the dinosaur chicken nuggets (which are the only kind worth eating apparently) in. When I came back Harry had put all the diapers and every bit of stray clothing into the diaper pail in the bathroom. I really hope that his zeal for cleaning and putting things to right continues to strengthen, but I am not going to hold my breath.


Dallas Meow said...

nothing entices me to eat those peppers either.

Steph said...

Yeah, my kids have gone through phases of having everything in it's place, but uh, my family room and their disaster of rooms can attest to the fact that it was indeed just a phase for them. :)

Anonymous said...

Need pictures to go with these posts.

Anonymous said...

Neat kids are always a bonus! Glad the shots went ok.

chichimama said...

My kids have never been a fan of in it's place. I so hope yours stay this way for you!!!!

Glad the shots were uneventful...

The Estrogen Files said...

Aawwww, how sweet! Encourage that cleaning streak or it'll fade fast (example, my 10 yr old). The candy post-shot is a great idea!

Gina said...

Mine is a fan of the theory of everything in it's place, but not so much the practice.

Magpie said...


Miss M. rotates the paper to show that an M becomes an E becomes a W becomes a 3. Well, sort of, but it's like finding a 3 in a pepper.

Jenifer said...

Can Harry come teach my kids that zeal for cleanliness?