Monday, November 05, 2007

Round and round we go

It seems that my experience with Evan and all of his issues has been very cyclical in nature. Some issue will be there driving me bonkers. I will worry and obsess about it while trying to just wait and see how it goes with out overreacting. Then suddenly when I am finally thinking about giving up on it things will suddenly improve.

I think that now we have hit an improvement stage in something that has been worrying me off and on for awhile now, Evan's speech. I have been holding off on pushing speech therapy for some time now(I have various reasons for holding off but I will not go into that now). Evan was a late talker which was due to his brain not receiving the oxygen it needed thanks to his heart defect. After his last surgery his vocabulary exploded and he added word after word to it. He is still behind his peers although he is starting to catch up.

Being the secret worrier than I am (thanks mom!) I have been second guessing my decision lately. I was just about to act on my worries when Evan asked me "What's that noise?" last night. He had never used a complete and clear phrase like that before. Maybe a two word phrase when he really meant something a bit more complex. It was great to hear him express a full thought in a full sentence. It was reassuring to hear evidence of his verbal progress at a time when I was questioning my choices as a mom.


Anonymous said...

He said "More pig bubbles please" once to me when he wanted me to use that pig bubble blower. I was impressed

Elizabeth-W said...

That's why I always say I'd be a really good parent by the time I'd had about 10 kids. The first one is just a big ball of stress. :) Hang in there!

Damselfly said...

Wow, this is great! Not only for Evan, but also for you, confirming your own choices. I have heard that some kids' language just seems to come out all of a sudden like that rather than slowly word by word. Cool....

chichimama said...

Yeah!!! We go round and round about putting C back into speech therapy again, it is so easy to second guess yourself. But it sounds like he is coming along great!

Gina said...

Yay for Evan!

Is there a bad thing about the speech therapy that you don't like? I have heard good things about it from parents who have tried it.

Nanette said...

That is so exciting. Nick just started sentences around his fourth birthday--now he is a big talker, behind, but it is all good.

Jaelithe said...

Were you, perhaps, holding off because the poor guy has already had ENOUGH doctor visits and testing and testing and visits, already? Because I totally get that feeling.

I have a lot of friends who were really late talkers as kids who are now really smart adults with advanced degrees, so I always think that some kids just need a little more time to learn to talk, and it doesn't mean they won't be brilliant speakers and writers later.