Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sunburn lessons

Thanks for all the tips and well wishes in regards to my poor legs. One important thing I have learned is that the aloe vera gel that you can buy in the store is nothing like getting your aloe vera right from the plant. I have had an aloe vera plant for most of my marriage but our plant was killed this winter by a sudden hard freeze. I had not replaced it since I had not really used it for more than minor burns from cooking accidents. I thought that the gel would have the same exact effect as the plant with the bonus of not needing any care on my part to keep the bottle of gel alive. The gel stings!!! They have some sort of chemical, probably an alcohol of some sort which hurts worse than the burn. I am not sure how they can sell this stuff as a sunburn aide.

I slept with some cold wet rags on my legs last night which helped a lot pain wise. It only hurts when one of the kids tried to sit in my lap when my legs are crossed (it was my inner calves that got the worst of it due to my habit of sitting cross legged a lot) or when I am trying to change a diaper with them on the floor. It seems that they love to wiggle and end up kicking me right on the sunburn. That seems to be the way with kids, no matter where the injury is suddenly that area becomes the repeated victim of a rambunctious child.


chichimama said...

Ulgh. I agree, the real aloe is MUCH better. Hope your legs are feeling better soon...

Gina said...

It never fails!