Today was Harry's first Sunday as a Sunbeam. It is strange to think that both of my boys are old enough to be in Primary with the "big" kids and are no longer the "babies" that are in Nursery. My husband and I got to meet our new class. Previously we were teaching the 11 turning 12 boys but since there were only going to be 2 this year we got the girls too. It should be an interesting but fun class. Some of the girls could potentially get the teenage attitude but I think that they will behave during class if I can keep it fun and interesting. the boys I know will be no trouble since I am friends with both of their mothers. They know I would have no issue with talking to their moms if they misbehaved.

I was trying to take a picture of just Harry but Evan decided to get in on the action too.
Harry looking introspective and serene.
I tried for a smile picture but he would not take his fingers out of his mouth and we were running late.
They grow up so quickly!
I about died at the cuteness at the new Sunbeams at church yesterday but was so sad my Haddie is no longer one. Your pictures did turn out cute!
As the mother of one of those boys, I say that he's better behave!! The two boys get a little chatty sometimes, but other than that, they are pretty agreeable. I had that class when they were CTR 8, though the twins weren't in the ward back then. They are a fun group.
Looking forward to Thursday night. Was the RS calendar email correct that the knitting group is meeting at church? Do you need anything? Extra needles or basic yarn for newcomers, snacks, etc.? Put me to work!
#2 had her first day of Sunbeams, yesterday, too. She had a great time. I had a hard time getting her to sit down and be where she needed to, but then she did great!
Such handsome little boys!
The new year marks the mile post that I will never have a child in primary again :( My youngest has joined the youth now and primary days are over. It is so sad! No more primary activities, nothing. Enjoy every minute of it--it will all end too soon.
PS: Your boys are so cute. They are really growing fast!
Wow, well, the boys certainly look as though they are ready to move on up. They look like perfect little gentlemen! Hope your new class goes well.
They look so handsome
Harry and Evan look very ready for Church!
I teach Sunbeams again this year---2 girls and 1 boy in the class. Sunday went well, the nursery leaders must be doing a great job.
awww they are soo adorable all dressed in their Sunday finest!
Cute pictures. And Sunbeams are the greatest, aren't they? I just love the sunbeams.
Oh, and yes, heartburn is the worst.
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