Monday, January 19, 2009


Well Evan's pacemaker surgery has been pushed back a day. When we did his INR test at home this afternoon the results were a bit too high for the surgeon's liking so he wanted to give Evan more time for his INR to fall. I plan on trying to get Evan to eat as many green leafy vegetables as possible so that we don't have to move his surgery date again.


Dounya's mummy said...

got my fingers crossed!! xxx

Aunt Kathy said...

Hope Evan likes green leafy veggies

Kate said...

Wishing you luck! I'm sure it was frustrating pushing the surgery back, though.

Heather said...

Thinking about you!

Anonymous said...

We will be thinking of you, and praying that all goes well.
Maybe Evan would eat raw greens with a yummy dip?

Anonymous said...

So sorry it was delayed! You are in our thoughts!

Ice Cream said...

How awfully frustrating. And how on earth do you get a kid to eat more leafy greens? Good luck.