Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday Cuteness: Silly boys

This is Evan playing nap. He actually asked me if he could lay down on the couch and be tucked in.

Harry loves to have me take his picture and then show it to him. Here is one of the many random pictures that I have on my camera.


Heather said...

My son does that too (the asking to see the photos of himself).

Anne/kq said...


Emma does the asking for photos, and Bridey does the "playing nap." So funny. :D

Sheila @ Dr said...

Aww the age of digital cameras.

I took a photo the other day with a disposable camera. The kids could not compute that I couldn't show them their photo!

Karen said...

Awwww! I'm with Evan. I like to "play nap" too!

Posh Totty said...

My lil man also asks me to take his pic and then show it to him, I wonder if its a boy thing? hehe!!

Great pics tho :o) Xx

Anonymous said...

My kids jump all over me when I try to play nap!

The pictures are so sweet!

Damselfly said...

"Playing nap?" You're right, that is silly!