Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Thumbs up!

I was insanely nervous about meeting our new primary care doctor today. I tend to work myself up about meeting new people, doctors in particular even though I have read a great many blogs by doctors and I know that they are people just like me. Added to my freak out about the appointment was that the office was in the middle of nowhere (which to be fair most of the towns in Kansas are in the middle of nowhere) and complicated to get to. I really freak out about getting lost and being late and when you combine the possibility of both happening at once I can become a basket case.

Any way I managed to pull it all together and we arrived safely and early (but not too early) the internet directions clutched in my sweaty hands. The doctor turned out to be a very nice guy that was a lot younger looking than I had expected. The facilities were very nice and spacious. Our former pediatrician shared his facilities with his physical therapist wife and they were on the cramped side.

Harry had a freak out about the scale. He did not like it one bit that it wiggled under his feet. There was even a handle bar to hold on to but he was not having any of it. The nurse put him in the infant one which had a seat. Don't ask me how tall my kids are or now much they weigh. That kind of information slips out of my mind the second I hear it. Unless I write it down I can't seem to remember it.

Something that was a huge hit with the boys was that they had crayons so they could color on the paper that covered the exam table. Sadly the exam table was no wide enough for both boys and a shoving match ensued until I put an end to it. Evan also had to add the doctor's office to his List of Public Bathrooms That Evan Has Visited. At least he actually went this time. Harry got a bit of one on one time with the doctor while this was happening and he did not freak out which is what he normally does whenever I have to leave the room suddenly. I guess the doctor is just that good when it comes to a bedside manner.

I got lost on the way home thanks to all the confusing turns and freeway and tollway changes I had to do. I am so taking another more direct route next time. I don't care that I will save a little time since I ended up loosing a lot of time when I was wandering around lost. We made it home (obviously) and I was wiped out by all the excitement and goings ons.

Over all I think this doc is a keeper. He is so efficient that I got a call later in the afternoon from his office letting me know that they had set up appointments with a pediatric cardiologist, pediatric neurologist and a physical therapy evaluation. I had thought I would have to do all that calling once all the authorizations came in and what not. It was nice not to have to, since calling people in #1 hard for me to do because the kids freak out (seriously, they could have been playing nicely for hours before I have to make a phone and the second I tough the phone a fight breaks out that will not end until I end the call) every time I even think about talking to someone on the phone and #2 I have a crazy phone phobia about calling people. I can talk on the phone all day if someone calls me, but if I have to call someone it some how becomes hard for me to do it. I am always worried that I am bothering them or interrupting some vastly important task. I have to have a real and pressing need to call someone before I can do it.

Well enough now about my neuroses. How about them (insert local sports team)?


Heather said...

Glad you like the new Doc!

I have that same problem with calling people.

Vicky said...

I'm so glad that the doctor has turned out to be a good guy and who seems to have his act together organisation wise too! I hope you'll have a long and happy relationship with him while hardly ever actually meeting him!!

Unknown said...

glad the doc is a good guy. sorry you got lost. I guess once you learn a way there and back you will be fine. I hate getting lost which is why I always tend to go the same way every time. lol

Shonda Little said...

You aren't nuts. I get very nervous when meeting a new doctor, too. It's just a forced intimacy. As soon as they walk in the door, you have to start spilling personal information you might not share with your own momma.
Glad you liked him.

Anonymous said...

Glad you like the new doctor and we all have hangups. Calling strangers isn't my most favorite thing to do either. Although I have to do it a lot with my job!

chichimama said...

Yeah for the thumbs up on the new doc.

And I have the same phone issues. Which is why I love email so, so much.

Anonymous said...

YAY for a good doctor! That so makes a huge difference!

talitha said...

Yay! So glad that is one less things for you to have to be worried about!

Hope it all goes as well as that.

Damselfly said...

Glad you got a good doctor!

I hate those wiggly scales too.

Anne/kq said...

Glad about the good doctor!

I am so the same way about calling people.

carrie said...

yeah, what's the deal with those Kansas out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere towns??

Not that I would know...

That girl said...

Finding a good doctor for your child is THE most important thing you can do!

I'm glad you found a keeper.