Monday, November 03, 2008


Today did not start out well. The kids thought it would be fun to wake us up at 5 in the morning. My husband shooed them back into their rooms, but I am pretty sure that no more sleeping was done. I was mean and made them stay contained until 7:30 which is their normal waking time.

The day did get better when my husband unexpectedly got some time off work. We went out to lunch to celebrate his promotion which was made official today. When we got back we found a large package on our doorstep. Evan thought that it had cars in it, he seems to expect cars in every package that we get. What it contained was this:

This is our new computer, neat huh? My husband being the super cool computer guy that he is will be building out new computer himself. We are going to get a much nicer and faster computer than we could hav afforded to buy premade. I can't wait to see what it can do.


Unknown said...

I love computer geeks.

Gina said...

Yup, my BIL does the same thing for us.

Congrats on the promotion!

Steph said...

Congrats on the promotion!! :)

Anonymous said...

Too cool! You must take an after picture!!

Fabiola said...

He is just so brave. Imight order my PC on-line ; )


Fabiola said...

Oh, and Congrats on the promotion.

Damselfly said...

Aw, I bet Evan was reall disappointed! :)

Congratulations to your husband! And how nice to go out to lunch on the weekday.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the promotion!
Wish I knew how to build a computer.
And Evan and Harry will be watching and helping (if they get a chance to)

Karen said...

Mike built a few computers completely from scratch. He could build something much better (and cheaper) than a pre-packaged thing.

Of course, now we love our Macs and won't look back.