Sunday, November 02, 2008


Well the first cold of the cold and flu season is upon us. My husband seems to be hit the hardest with it but no one has escaped entirely. Evan is especially sensitive to snot dripping down the back of his throat and ended up throwing up this afternoon. My morning sickness (that is really evening sickness for me) is getting better, but the smell was almost more than I could handle and it was all I could do to keep it together. Luckily I only had to deal with Evan and his gross clothing. The bulk of it was on the couch which my husband cleaned up. I am really hoping that this kind of thing does not happen when I am home alone, it might end up being more than my poor stomach can handle.


Anonymous said...

Eeek - I'm sorry to hear that your family has been struck. Mine has too - I'm just starting to get over my ear infection/cold but the peanut and DH have picked it up so both are booger boys!

I hope that you guys feel better soon!

Heather said...

There was a lot of that going on at our house too.

Gabriela said...

sorry! that's the worst when you are pregnant!

We are dealing with a stomach virus here that won't leave us alone!!!

Anonymous said...

oh ick! praying nothing hits my home this year. after last year not sure I could handle round two!

Anonymous said...

egads! Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

I am out of the loop you're preggo??? Woooo! Hooray!! Congrats!!!

Anne/kq said...

:( Been there, done that, have the t-shirt... Not fun!

My suggestion is to get a big bucket and put it in the tub. When a big mess happens, just throw the clothes in the bucket, run some water, then close the door and wait for your husband to come home and deal with it!

Also, make sure your guys all get immunized against influenza. Won't protect against all strains but is better than nothing! And it will protect you some, too, since you shouldn't be immunized at this point.

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone gets better very soon!