For my first Magic Marker Monday I thought I would show off some illicit wall art. Somehow Evan got a hold of a pencil and drew this fascinating and rather complex (for him) drawing. I think that maybe the amount of space he had available led him to be more creative. He needs to learn a bit about how not to get into trouble though. When he was done he came up to me and told me that he drawn on the wall. He got a stern lecture about the proper place to draw, but I can't force myself to remove his artwork from the wall. I find it charming and utterly fascinating.
LOL! I have on more occassions than I care to admit found beautiful wall art as well....
Very creative! At least Evan owned up to doing it. And you are a good natured Mom.
I remember my brothers and I doing something similar when we were kids to the closet that ran under the stairs. When we sold the house a few years ago (I am now in my 30's) it was still there. Ours were pics of the monsters from Where the Wild things are. hee hee.
I think that was when our mom got the Huge roll of 'butcher paper' that was as tall as I was at the time and we could just roll and draw and roll and draw for hours! do you think they make that any more?
Awww, I guess I am one of the lucky ones whos child has never done that, or at least not in my house anyway, I seem to remember him doing it in Grannys house tho hehe!
LOL! Illicit wall art -- my absolute favorite :D
I could never bring myself to clean it up right away either. They actually make specialty tape now that looks like an ornate picture frame now -- you could just tape it off and have some permanent wall art there, complete with gallery style framing!
Thanks for the lovely grin in my day! :D
~Michelle @ 5MFSN
My kids generally confess right away too. Then they have to clean it themselves.
We have so many of these, it's a wonder I haven't yet banned writing implements from the house.
But then...I know better than to suppose that would stop the artists who have also dabbled in the mediums of lubricant grease, toothpaste, and nail polish on the walls.
You should get chalkboard paint! A friend of mine painted an entire lower half of a wall and let's her kids draw with freedom!
That is a really cool picture!
Well at least he didn't sign his name to the "art" and not expect to get caught like a certain sister of yours did hee hee
I think it looks like a midget riding a rhino-camel. Very creative! At least it's just in pencil. Fly will probably be getting to this stage soon....
We have some that just WON'T come off. :\
My kids love doing things on a large scale (artwork-wise.)
I get rolls of paper and either put it on the wall or tape it to the table. I also send them outside with sidewalk chalk. I think for Christmas they're getting an easel! They love using Grandma's!
You should consider painting a wall with chalkboard paint so they can draw on the wall legally.
How cute! My son did the same thing on several walls (and furniture). We finally managed to hide all the pencils, crayons, and markers and then we painted over it. Now he pretty much only uses color wonder markers and only under supervision!
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